The Sensational Baby Sleep Plan


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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Has anyone followed this and if so, what parts?

I remember samsgirl had read it as I bought it on her recommendation.

Basically, I've made a right balls up I think and have made nights worse. Brody used to wake first between 2 and 4. I then tried dream feeding about 11 in the hope that it would help and now he automatically wakes around that time :wall2: I give him a bottle - sometimes he doesn't take it all - and the rest of the night hug him back to sleep.

Also, I've got into a terrible habit of taking him into our room if he keeps waking around 4am. Nightmare!

I need to start getting this right. Have read most of the book and like most of the advice in it, although not all.

Just wondered whether it's worked for anyone?

Sometimes he'll wake once and that's it or settle really easily. Just no consistency.


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I have not read it but I am intrigued as to what it is. x
we are following it.....and so far it seems to have worked for us.

she goes down of a night around 6:30/7pm after her bath and last feed and sleeps til 3/4am. has her bottle and goes right back down...

we are just starting to try and wean her off this 4am ish feed.....

i do think a lot of the book makes sense and i do all the white jim jams for night and colours for day etc..and all that seems to have worked a treat! i try and get her to feed and nap at the time it recommends, although she is terrible for napping in the afternoons!!

it has changed our lives in that we can now get her to self settle...before reading this book we were literally sitting with her til she fell asleep and this meant we had no time to ourselves. now i put her down or OH does after her last feed and bath and she takes herself off , usually within about 10 mins...

we did go through a stage where she started waking more...but apparently if they have unsettled nights it can be due to them learning a lot of new things and them going through a developmental phase!

we had some unsettled nights when she discovered her hands! mad eh.....last 2 nights have gone back to just the one wake up again xx
Not sure about the book, not read it

But babies thrive on routine. They get used to certain things like being fed at certain times, taken into your bed ect.

I've never agreed with dream feeds dont think they work, best advice i can give is to forget the dream feed, try & keep LO in cot & hope for the best

yeah we dont do any dream feeds...the book doesnt recommend them either..

says along the lines of never wake a sleeping baby at nights unless you have a medical reason to. it does recommend waking them during the day to make sure they feedat the right times, so they are nice and full and more likely to sleep better at night. this does make sense i guess...xx
Thank you. Def forgetting dream feeding. Have avoided it for several weeks now. Totally my fault he wakes that time I think because of that, although I'm sure it'll work for some.

Trial and error!


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What is dream feeding?? We have no rutine yet, as she sometimes cries a lot and other evenings not. I will try to stay clear of milk a week and see if that helps.
It's when you offer baby a bottle or boob when they're asleep esp and they take it. Whenever I tried it he woke up. Def not for us. X

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I got this free with a magazine, going to start reading it today! Thanks for the reminder xxx

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