TTC after being on mini pill?


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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I was wondering if anyone knows how the mini pill may affect my cycles when i decide to come off it, and how long it can stay in your system for.

ATM we're planning on TTC in july/august time, but i ideally wanna get a BFP in september, but a few months either way is ok too. I know that theres no guarentee of getting preg at that time even if i make optimum conditions and we'd carry on TTC after then but it'd mean taking another year out of uni.

When i got my BFP with Tally i think i'd been off the normal pill for about 4/5 cycles but hadn't been TTC in any and had actually been trying not to get preg in most of them so i guess that didn't mess up my body too much.

I kinda wondered if it's worth coming off the mini-pill a few months before we start TTC and using condoms/NFP to try and ensure i'm ovulating. I havn't had AF since having Tally yet, but my god i'm 99% certain she's on her way, so i dont know what my cycles are like on this pill yet, or even if it works.
Hi hun.
After being on here for a while I'd say it would be better to come off the pill and use other means of protection. Some ladies find it months or even years to fall after being on the pill, mini pill, jabs, all of them, a few have been very lucky and fallen quickly, but the norm does tend to be harder to fall after the pill. :hug:
Everyone is different hun, my best friend wasn't TTC and was on the mini pill and went through a phase of not taking it properly (bang on time every day) and she fell pregnant whilst taking it.

Then again whatever contraception you are on it affects every woman differently.

So if you are ready just come off the pill, if your not keep taking it.
Sorry to gate crash but just thought id add my experience.

I came off the mini pill at beginning of April of this year after it stopped AF completely - i didnt want to play that game lol. I was on the mini pill 4 months. Id been on the normal pill before this for about 6 years, but had to transfer to mini pill after pill made me a bit mental lol.

From having an unusually long AF at end of April (9 days) I then missed May and Junes AF (i done several pregnancy tests all BFN).

Booked in with GP who said it wasnt normal and booked me into have pelvic scan to check for polycystic overies in July. Couple of days before (3 days before AF due) I tested just so I could rule it out as I had a feeling the first thing the sonographer would say is "could you be Pregnant?" and to my absolute SHOCK :shock: it was BFP lol.

So took me 3 months to get BFP after comin off pill... bf and I used protection but became a bit silly in June and made a few mistakes but as I wasnt having AF didnt see the need for morning after pill lol. So probably less than 3 months if i make sense.

Mini pill isnt as effective as normal pill. Id say deffo come off it thought and use other means of protection until your ready to TTC at least then your body will be functioning naturally when your ready xxx

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