The pill YASMIN


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2006
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Hi, I haven't even had my LO yet but am already worrying about contraception! I have tried lots of different pills in the past and they have all given me outrageous mood swings and water retention. Has anyone tried Yasmin as I have heard this is supposed to be a lower dose so these symtons are less likely. Also the pill ruins my sex drive :oops:

I was also thinking about the mini pill, does anyone take that? I am just so excited about getting my body back and having proper sex agin :lol:
Hi I am now on the mini pill as I'm breast feeding and i think that is the only one you can be on if b'ing.
They give you all the advice before you leave the hospital (or home check up) . They were really helpful at hospital so if I were you I'd ask them what was the lower dose and what they suggest would be best.
Hope all goes well, xx
Haven't tried Yasmin, but been on the normal and mini-pill but still have the same problems as you, no sex drive, mood swings, etc. The last one I tried , Cerazette mini-pill (the one you get a 12 hour time frame to take it gave me spotty skin and I'm still trying to get rid of them :evil:
i was on yasmin before i got pregnant, i found it really good as a lot of the other pills give me headaches and stuff

11 days to go :dance: :dance: :dance:
Sorry to but in, Congrats sami, just seen your ticker!
i was on microgynon 90 or whatever its called (the green one) and i got PG (wasnt TTC..but nice surprise none the less) so i'm not sure wether to go back on that or not!
Thank you for you replies :D

I am so worried about going on any pill because its like I turn into a monster with permanant PMT!! I actually feel the anger build in me really quick over nothing! Also the weight gain is really horrible.

I just don't know what to do, we just used condoms before TTC but I'd love to not have to bother. I just really don't like the thought of taking all these hormones, they just don't agrée with me :?
skatty said:
Hi, I haven't even had my LO yet but am already worrying about contraception! I have tried lots of different pills in the past and they have all given me outrageous mood swings and water retention. Has anyone tried Yasmin as I have heard this is supposed to be a lower dose so these symtons are less likely. Also the pill ruins my sex drive :oops:

I was also thinking about the mini pill, does anyone take that? I am just so excited about getting my body back and having proper sex agin :lol:

darling skatty., You're beloved baby will be your contraception for a year after the birth. :rotfl: yo silly mare.
Hi Skatty!

I was on Yasmin for 10 months before my BFP.

I found it fantastic and it relieved my water retention, mood swings everything!

I recommend it!

Good luck :D

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