The Person Below You (Game)

True and False
I will be getting up at about 10am - but that's the time I usually get up!!
Not daydreaming in specific, but missing my OH who is new york for the week so I'm thinking about him.

The person below me has the forum set as their home page..?
true!!! if you saw my bedroom and my car you would know i do ;)

the person below me eats carrots :puke:
FALSE - nasty horrible evil things!!!! ;)

The person below me would like to legally be able to kill someone and not get punished...
mrsT said:
FALSE - nasty horrible evil things!!!! ;)

The person below me would like to legally be able to kill someone and not get punished...

Very true :lol:

The person below me wants 3 kids
True and False - I want 4 but would be happy with 3 as DH wants to stop at 2 and I had to convince him to want 2!!!
mrsT said:
FALSE - nasty horrible evil things!!!! ;)

The person below me would like to legally be able to kill someone and not get punished...

:shock: :shock:

hun i think you may call swap off ... ian has about 16 tatoos!
nic & keeley said:
the person below me is goin out to lunch today

FALSE (But OH is bringing some home for me :) )

The person below me is going shopping today?
True, gotta find more baby things with lions on before OH gets back from New York and finds my stash!

The person below me has fry ups on a weekend morning..? (I used to have a fry up on a Sunday but now me and OH have like a tradition to have fry up sandwiches on Saturday mornings!)

the person below me is going out to a bar or club tonight

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