The nerves are kicking in


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2010
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I have been waking up at least every hour with knots/butterflies in my tum. Yesterday was pretty much the same, most of the day I felt ok, but every now and again I got a pang of 'nerves'.

It's funny to think that if you go into labour naturally - you really have no choice about it - it just happens and you get on with it. Where as now I KNOW that tomorrow I am being induced I'm getting the jitters and thinking about it non stop.

I've tried to think about the afterwards, when baby arrives and all the things I'm looking forward to, which helps until the next knot arrives in my tum!

Last night hubby was fab and took me out for what could potentially be our last night of just us. I told him that tonight I just want to be at home, watch a film and be as relaxed as possible. The meal was lovely, we ended up reminising over how we met, holidays we have been on, our wedding day and experiences as just us - hubby was sweet and said how he is looking forward to being able to tell our children about these things :)

Today we are going into town (don't feel like it tbh, but i need distractions from my brain going into overdrive) Hubby needs to take back some clothes, I want to get some nursing bras from m & s and some slippers to take into hospital. We will probably have lunch somewhere too.

It's too late now for any effect, but last night I was considering starting to take some 'Kalms' pills - last time I was this anxious and nervy was the run up to my uni exams. I doubt there is anything I can do to calm my nerves - other than trying not to think about it! Not easy!

Anyone else feeling like this or have felt like this before? Any advice?
I'd say that's natural hun for anyone about to go into labour naturally/induced/section. I get the same butterfly feelings on and off too. Once you start to labour though, the fear just goes and your brain just takes over to deliver the baby. I have kalms in my cupboard too but I dont want anything new upsetting my dodgy tummy!

Sounds like you had the perfect night last night. So glad you made time for each other for potentially one of your last nights together as a couple instead of a family :)

Enjoy your day today but try not to overdo it. You never know what tomorrow night will bring!! I'm so excited for you, I think your going to do a great job.
This isn't something that crossed my mind as I'm so anxious to get him out :s
It's good that ur gettin it out rather than bottling it up Hun.
I really hope it goes well hunny xxx
Thanks girls. Slept a little better tonight, but up early having a last reply and read on pf to stop my head running riot!

Calling the hospital at 8.30 for them to give me an admission time.

I have 2 text buddies, so i'll keep them both updated as often as I can. Let's hope a labour thread will start for me today! Unless the gel is as useless as my 2 sweeps have been!! This baby boy is rather stubborn!

With not being around on here for a few days, want to wish all the due Mummies all the best. Will be thinking of you all and wishing you good labours and healthy, happy bubbas :hugs:

x x x
Good luck Emma I hope the gel works and you get cuddles with your little man this afternoon. Xxx
Good luck hun, hope all goes smoothly. Can't wait for news :)
good luck hun look forward to hearing of little ones arrival, wont be long now. im also starting to feel a little worried as being induced thursday eck!! xx

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