The most annoying things people say!

JJ Mum

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2010
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Hi girls,

If one more person tells me - I had it so easy when I'm honest enougth to tell them I have only had C-sections, and not labour.

If I have to tell one more person - that I am actually pregnant!!

If one more person asks me was it planned ? as there first response to finding out I am pregnant! (just cause my 3 kids are much older 11, 9 and 8!)

When is someone going to finally stop me in a shop or street and say, ahhh when are you due ?

Oooh it makes me soooo crazy......:wall2:
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Aww *hugs*, there are some very annoying people out there, but they just don't realise! I think lots of people don't know what to ask a pregnant woman so they just say whatever they think they should if you know what I mean?
It's just soo rude to ask someone was it planned, unless i decide to share info like that!
Another lady tonight, claimed she didn't know, but I have seen her looking each morning at school, think she just wanted the gossip on when I was due, cause i'm hard to guess to be honest. She asked me if planned or not, when congrats was more in order!!

Also wanted a due date - So I told her January! Unfortunately my daughter was there, and blurted out the Devons name! So that's lots of gossip for her tomorow boy and name!!! Never mind , lots of people have been told end of Jan! ha ha
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I know exactly how u feel...the woman in tesco said 'still got ur bump then?' i felt like sayin 'no,ive had him but my belly was cold so ive stuck a cushion up there!'
And cos its my 4th every1 presumes it wasnt planned and that im either mad or brave!
I know what you mean hun, so many people are SO nosey, but I do think its ust because they dont know what to say tbh.

I had a women ask when I was due about a month ago, she then asked if Im still with the babys dad! (NONE of her buisness) wich my answer was no, and she said 'oh your brave to keep it', now to me thats SO rude to say. I stood there like :shock: :shock:
I know what you mean hun, so many people are SO nosey, but I do think its ust because they dont know what to say tbh.

I had a women ask when I was due about a month ago, she then asked if Im still with the babys dad! (NONE of her buisness) wich my answer was no, and she said 'oh your brave to keep it', now to me thats SO rude to say. I stood there like :shock: :shock:

OMG !!!! That's soo rude , why do people not think for 5 seconds before opening their mouths!!
:hug: People are so stupid sometimes! I remember being gobsmacked at some of the things people had the guts to say! Hope you're okay xx
Aghrrr it really grinds my gears when ppl say to me things like

*Omg ur massive for 30 weeks, u sure they got the dates right?

*I sailed through all my pregnancies, so you should be fine. (despite all my problems with SPD)

* oh why are you complaining for the pains ur getting are just stretching pains (yet I have a nerve pain on my left side n baby ain't on it, if it was just stretching I wouldnt have been hospitalised twice n doped up with morphine n pethadine for pain relief)

* if ur pregnancies are anything like mine, ur labours gonna be really painful.

* you look like you gonna have a 9lb baby, i feel sorry for you cos ur gonna tear like a bitch.

The list goes on, sometimes I just want to cry. I can't fit in any of my jeans cos of my bump n butt, it don't help when ppl come with their douche bag mothering advice!
It's like people don't realise how insensitive they sound n come across
I know what you mean hun, so many people are SO nosey, but I do think its ust because they dont know what to say tbh.

I had a women ask when I was due about a month ago, she then asked if Im still with the babys dad! (NONE of her buisness) wich my answer was no, and she said 'oh your brave to keep it', now to me thats SO rude to say. I stood there like :shock: :shock:

Omg rude cow!!! I would have gone mad. You should never have justified it with an answer. How rude.
You do what you have to sweety n i applaud you. Keep ur chin up.
I used to get seriously pissed off with people (strangers) clocking the bump and then scanning my wedding ring finger. Towards the end my fingers swelled so I stopped wearing it and the frowns you'd get off old biddies was so annoying!

JJ Mum I knew your kids were older because you talk of having the name Devon for years but seeing their ages written down got me all excited for you. I was 12 and my middle sis 10 when my youngest sister was born. It's been the BEST upbringing ever having a big gap. Christmas stayed magical until we were in our twenties, we got a real sense of parenting at an early age and having a youngster in the house meant life was always so much fun. Now she's 17 and at that age where she's at college, getting drunk with her mates and loving life. She's always said she has three mums and It's nice knowing she has such a good relationship with us she can confide in us anytime. She's such a good, mature and happy kid and I'm hoping Shaun and I will be able to have another in a couple years and then I'd do the big gap thing like my mum and dad and have a third in about 10 years.

Are the kids excited?! X
Gem - know what you mean about the gap thing, I was 8 when my sister was born and she was moved into my room pretty much straight away so I did a lot of the 'mothering' stuff. It is like she's got 2 mums, only I get to be the 'cool' one :)

Lealea - I've had people who I don't even know say the whole 'oh my pregnancies were fine, you'll be ok' and I'm just like huh? How is that in any way relevant to me? It's so annoying!
You've all summed up exactly the type of things the general public like to interfere with. It's so annoying.
One thing I really REALLY hate is people touching my bump! I worked in a gym before mat leave and members used to swan unto me an touch it!! Grrr your touching me NOT the baby as it isn't born yet!!! And MIL likes to do
It all the time and it pisses me off, my own mum doesn't even do it.
I hate opinionated people that can't help but blab stuff you don't need to be told. It's no like you'll ever see them again anyway which is even more annoying!
Next it will be our babies in their pushchairs with old grannies poking and prodding and waking them up! Imgonns be like "get off" lol. X
haha I am glad again I'm not the only one getting annoyed by people, I don't mind people touching my bump though but I do mind them saying 'OH MY GOD you're not due until the new year???!!! good luck with that'....yeah FOOK OFF NOBBO or ' IS IT TWINS??!!' no it isn;t would you like a twin-set of black eyes?!
The biggest thing that gets to me is the horror on peoples faces when they realise I'm hoping for a home birth. Apparently I'm mad/crazy/ridiculous, I'm going to be in so much pain I'll be begging to go into hospital, it's not safe...oh and then the horror stories of traumatic births. I DON'T WANT TO KNOW :sad:
Lol same here, and even people who know I'm aiming for a homebirth keep asking if I've got bags packed/got lift to hospital sorted etc, it's like they can't get it in their heads! I've given up correcting them and just smile and nod now :)
This is what I hated most too. Even worse when I'd had him (and of course had to go to hospital) everyone was like "told you you'd end up in hospital" "you're lucky it wasn't anything more serious" "knew you wouldn't have a home birth"
Do you know what, it sounds ridiculous but that's one of my bugbears about having to be induced if it comes to it. I just know people will say things like that even though it's out of my hands!
Oh this is a good thread, its my mil that keeps saying things, as some of you know ive got gall stones n been in tears with the pain, she says "oh youve got worse to come", or "you asked for it dont complain now" Yes I wanted a baby but I didnt imagine the pain I would be in along the way n not everyone suffers complications. How does anyone else know how your feeling. Now ive got chest infection I feel like im cursed. Ive had that much medication I just hope little Joe will be ok. She also insists on kissing my bump n rubbing it even when I say its really sore aaarrrrgggghhhh!!!!!
I have the same..
People always say
"Was it planned?" ...

No.. My gorgeous little boy wasn't planned - but he's loved and wanted by both of his parents and that's all that matters!

Hope people start to be a bit more sensitive soon for you! xxx
Daniel&bump, exactly just because baby isnt 'planned' it doesnt mean there anyless unwanted or unloved etc it just means there a little suprise :) xx
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