due date


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Today is my due date any nothing not even a twinge. If one more person asks me if im still here im going to flip! No im not here your imaging me you look like a right prick standing there talking to an imaginary person. And yes it might seem to you like ive been pregnant forever how do you think i feel! Ok rant over going to go order my birthday prezzie from OH xx
Happy due date!! People keep asking me if "I'm better yet?" I haven't had the sodding flu...

Happy due date!! People keep asking me if "I'm better yet?" I haven't had the sodding flu...


Haha not had that one before lol. One women pointed at my tummy and said have you not had her yet i felt like politely saying yeah had her last week but thought i looked so good that i would shove a cusion up my top. Instead i just said no not yet lol wish i had the courage to say it now though lol xx
Happy due date!!

If people ask me or comment when I get to my due date I can half see myself saying 'yes I had the baby last week' just to see them squirm lol
Hahahaha, happy dd.
Iv got over 6 weeks left but still get asked, 'have u not had that baby yet??' errrrr welll no considering shes not even fecking due yet!!
Oh the other day I was out with my gran and she said
"oh look there's another lady in your condition",
then she said "are you ok"
I said "yeah just tired"
which her reply was "im not surprised in your state"!
How rude! Some people are good with words aren't they! Ha ha xxx

I have had 4 texts from diffrent people this morning asking if I have had her yet for crying out loud i will let you know when she arrives lol xx

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