The most annoying things people say!

Gem - know what you mean about the gap thing, I was 8 when my sister was born and she was moved into my room pretty much straight away so I did a lot of the 'mothering' stuff. It is like she's got 2 mums, only I get to be the 'cool' one :)

Lealea - I've had people who I don't even know say the whole 'oh my pregnancies were fine, you'll be ok' and I'm just like huh? How is that in any way relevant to me? It's so annoying!

Alie!!! I just get really pissed off with ppl that do that. My friend is worse as she has had 3 kids. All easy pregnancies, all natural n only with pethadine n entonox.
Ppl need to be more careful about what comes out their mouths :(
Aghrrr that's another question that makes me wanna slap the crap out of someone

"was it planned" "are u still with the dad" "how long you Bern with him then"

And when i say no my BABY was not planned. Pls don't refer to my baby as an it.
Yes I'm still with the dad n we have been to 8/9months.

Then comes the oh but ur not married. So how far are u n when I say 7 n half months n they do the maths OMG the look of disgust on their face is priceless!!!

I never tell them I've known him for 4 years n thru Uni.....just leave to think I'm a pregnant hussy lol
I HATE people with a passion!!!
Ive been having contractions for the past 6 days and had it all confirmed by midwife and yet my MIL who is not a medical professional felt the need to tell me they arent contractions as I wasnt in enough pain and Id know when I was having contractions!! I asked her when she got her midwifes degree and when she said she hadnt I told her to fook off.. God I hate her, I wouldnt mind but she doesnt bother with me or bump so shes got no right to have an opinion on my pregnancy at all!

I also hate people touching me, a random bloke stopped me the other day and told his daughter to touch my bump, I was like hello dont I get a say in this??? AND I hate it when people say havent you had that baby yet??? Errm what gave it away, the ginormous bump protruding from the front of my body???


Yep, I had all of the above too.

And because there were 4 kids already in the family (2 by by oh) about 10 people in the playground said"oh, I take it it wasn't planned" or "are you mad??" or "I take it you're trying for a boy this time"

God it riled me. when people found out it was pregnant I always braced myself for the negative rather than the congratulations I would get if he were my 1st. Even with my own mother!
I have all of this but I tell you the worse thing I had said to me when we told people was that I was inconsiderate for getting pregnant before my SIL wedding!!! it really upset me!
I have all of this but I tell you the worse thing I had said to me when we told people was that I was inconsiderate for getting pregnant before my SIL wedding!!! it really upset me!

That is such a crap thing to say!
I have all of this but I tell you the worse thing I had said to me when we told people was that I was inconsiderate for getting pregnant before my SIL wedding!!! it really upset me!

Inconsiderate??? Oh yeah, cos ovaries run on love/consideration/empathy/GMT.

U were blessed with a bby when it was ur time.
I know it was horrible but it was quite funny when the next week I got a phonecall to say she was also pregnant!!! I was very nice and gracious about it despite the fact that I had every right to say the same thing to her!

she is also half the size bump wise and her new thing is to keep offering me a seat saying that Im much bigger than her so I deserve to sit down! so to men it looks like a nice thing when actually its just insulting!!!
Throw a grape at her when she isn't looking n blame someone else. Lol
She sounds mean:(
:rofl: lealea thats so funny!

yes she can be I just dont see them very often anymore! its easier that way!
I've got a home made sling shot that can hold frozen peas or grapes on standby if u need it Looool

I'm such a big kid at heart looool
How long now?
Ooo you look like your gonna pop
How you feeling? (had this up to 10 times a frickin day) Err same as i did an hour ago thanks.

Every day the lolly pop man at the school would count down in weeks...oo 5 weeks left now, oo 4 weeks left now.. Thing is he did this twice a week...dont think he knew his weeks! Grrr
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Blimey ladies, your all having the same type of problems, I hope I remeber when in years to come I'm gonna be a nanny or a MIL that I remember what not to say to my daughter/sons or son/daughter in laws!! I would hate to be like that.

Ray of light - thanks as that makes me feel better about the age gap , your upbringing with your younger sister and the age gap sounds like a great time. I was always adament that I didn't want an age gap hence having 3 kids - 2 weeks short of within 3 years of each other . And now here I am wanting a baby now!

I am hoping it will keep me young! Looking forward to haing only one small one for a more manageable time , this is what OH is also looking forward to the most, less juggling!

Also lovely to have shared this pregnancy journey with my kids, they are counting down now till he is born! My daughter has chosen his first nappy (from the pics on the front!) and his first babygrows and helped me pack my bag, it has been lovely to share this with them and especially her as she is so into babies and small children. I can't wait to see them all together in the evening after school when dad collects them and brings them in to see Devon - ssooo exciting
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My 'friend' said the other day...... ' you have only put weight on in ur bump.........oh and in ur face' . It made me feel really good! NOT ! x
some1 said c section was easy are they nuts ive never had 1 but in my opinion being cut open the closed up again is far worse than stretching a bit down below
I get the you sure there ain't twins in there, How old are you then (I was 17 when I fell pregnant now 18) are you still with babies dad No he has a new gf and i've moved on thanks, everyone feels my bump and bcuz i had a toned stomache my bump has always been hard people are like oooo feels like you're going to be early. WTF! people need to butt out. I did however have a random man call me sexy yesterday I think he didn't see bump :p. xXx
I get the you sure there ain't twins in there, How old are you then (I was 17 when I fell pregnant now 18) are you still with babies dad No he has a new gf and i've moved on thanks, everyone feels my bump and bcuz i had a toned stomache my bump has always been hard people are like oooo feels like you're going to be early. WTF! people need to butt out. I did however have a random man call me sexy yesterday I think he didn't see bump :p. xXx

prob did notice some men really love it :)

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