the month i got my bfp....

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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hello ladies

you might need to kick me out of here.........i dont want to leave you!!

anyway, i thought i would let those of you who are lttc know what i done the month i got my bfp as i always want to know this!

well first of all i have to thank mrs mc because of her Iphone App idea!! normally me and OH DTD the day before i am expecting ov, the day of ov and the day after - and thats it.

i got the app this month and it told me to start bd'ing a good 5 days before ov was actually due - app got the ov date wrong by a day. but me and OH agreed to give it a go. so basically we covered the whole of the 'fertile' period.

secondly, we had just changed our diet a week before ov, we removed all 'white' carbs and replaced potatoes with sweet potatoes, rice with brown rice, pasta with brown pasta and so on. we ate fish and really good foods for the past few weeks. drank lots of innocent fruit smoothies and generally ate really really well (had a treat on the saturday nights tho!)

and finally just to say, i've had no symptoms at all except one strange nails have grown really quick, stronger and are looking lovely - which is what happend to Samsgirl, its the only thing i have noticed so far!

best of luck everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hello my lovely... :)

yep the nails thing was the first thing i noticed and was literally the only symptom...he weird eh :)

i am so so so happy for you....i think it's brilliant news....


oh and dont leave us...keep popping back
Ah thank u hunny, I noticed the nail thong a few days ago and thought of u. It's strange isn't it xx
yeah...he he :) i was at the gym with my mate and i said, 'look at my nails, i bet i'm pregnant'...3 days later BFP xx
positivity you need to change your ticker!! get a Preg 1!! eyyyyyyy soo excited for you still x x
I keep checking for your first post in Tri 1 - have you still not done one? ;)
louise i done one a little while ago - kinda didn't want to do one...i'm strange!!! xxxxxxxxx
louise i done one a little while ago - kinda didn't want to do one...i'm strange!!! xxxxxxxxx

Yeah i noticed, you're not strange - you're sweet :)

I'm paranoid of going without familiar faces - feeling guilty and loney and all that. You'll be alright ;) Try not to get sucked up into the whole "waiting to find out something is wrong" mentality :hug:
Yeah that's how I feel, a bit guilty and lonely, not that I'm complaining for 1 second!!

I'm really going to try to think positive, in fact I have had a little browse but couldn't bring myself to read any of the threads that look a bit sad or negative!! Hmmm might just lurk around for a bit :) xxxxxx
So happy for you hun, you really deserve it. love it when ladies i've known since first came to PF get BFP :)
Thank you for all your tips! So happy for you. Get over to tri 1 and hooefully we will all be there very soon!
wow didnt know nail growth was a symptom. i bite my so that might encourage me to stop so i can keep a look out. i love that my hair is so thick and glossy during pregnancy, now its just thin and scraggly. thanks for the symptoms..ive had two kids (one very recently) so you'd think id know but im still symptom spotting like theres no tomorrow.

congrats on your bfp and enjoy your pregnancy, i know its a worry up until 12 weeks but i always found that bit the most my own little secret. xx
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