The laziest person in the world


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2011
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Is what I'm pretty sure everyone will think of me because I intend on taking maternity leave at 29 weeks... But here are my reasons (feel free to rip into me!):

- I'm on probation and plan on telling them at the last possible moment at 25 weeks - so if they want to get rid of me and find another reason to do it they only have 4 weeks...

- The job is very physical in my opinion, cleaning to a very high standard and carrying heavy things etc. I know they could/would change my duties to protect my health but then I feel like I won't be doing the job they employed me for and that will make them more resentful than if I just take off on mat leave..

- I'm not entitled to smp so will get maternity allowance, which is exactly the same as my wage (I'm only part time). Financially I don't gain anything by staying longer.

So I dunno, I have validated my choice with these reasons. I know it means I will have to return to work/stop recieving mat allowance sooner, but my DH is working his way up in a small company and is due a raise soon after baby is born so we should be in a much better position by then and maybe I can be a full time mum....

I can totally understand how this looks lazy tho, and it's not like I'm disappointed about finishing so soon. Maybe I am lazy :/ xxx
If it wasn't for money I would be leaving 12 weeks before my due date! So if you are then so am I :) x
im finishing at 29 weeks....cos it suits work and suits me and i couldnt be

couldnt face going back after xmas to be honest x
Thank you both! I feel a lot better about myself now :)) I am happy about the decision- really looking forward to enjoying the pregnancy and seeing everyone I want to see and parading my bump around without working too hard :D hehe. Bit of luxury it feels :) xx
I would do it if I could! I don't finish until I am 37.5 weeks and am really feeling like I want to be off work before that. Do what feels right and enjoy it. Xxx
I quit my job in first trimester!
As with you it wouldn't make much of a financial difference..
I was sick all the time, going back to uni only a few weeks later and just decided to quit instead of suffer through more weeks being sick and getting colds on top of it from exhaustion. Better to relax and charge up for uni, and it also allowed me to stay a week longer in Norway so I got to see my nephew after he was born. Had I kept the job I would have had to leave before that and wouldn't have seen him until Christmas!

I don't think you're lazy, I think you're logical! :)
I'm doing the same hun as I'm a care assistant for the elderly on an EMI unit so its really hard physically & mentally I think ur doing the right thing.if your job is quite hard too, uve got to think of yourself & ur LO xx
im jealous, if i could afford to i would, but my SMP is so awful and OH has no job at moment so i have to try work until i pop in march lol
I really think it depends on what job your doing to be honest if your doing a physical job like you are and you can afford to do it then yeah start as soon as you can but in my case Im self employed and sit on my bum at work all day so have agreed 3 months maternity with the other partners so am going to work up unitl Im due as would rather spend the 3 months with the baby instead of waiting for it to arrive cos god knows Im going to be bad enough with boredom if I go overdue. LOL

Somedays though I really wish I could start it early when im feeling hormonal like today but financially just cant do it, so I have to man up!!! LOL XX
If money allowed it I would finish a lot sooner. I was going to work up until the 10th Feb but have decided to finish the 3rd Feb instead.
I dont think your lazy at all.If you are no better off working then why put yourself through it?Good luck with everythingxxx

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