The last few days....


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2008
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Why is it that the past 8 weeks have flown by but now im faced with 6 days to my due date and it seems to be really dragging? :(
Maybe im just so anxious about where im going to be when it all starts to happen and more importantly where OH will be as he works all over the day hes in north london the next hes in wales and i live in gosport which is basically as far south as u can get apart from my beloved IOW. :x

I was induced with my last 2 so iv never experienced this b4! :loli think i just needed to vent a little!
Sounds familiar :lol: :lol: :lol:
The closer it gets to my due date the more sureal it feels its weried i think im in shock :lol:

i think this last week may go slow for me too 9months have spead by the last few days slowwwwwwwwwwwwww
Im in shock for making it this far! Now i think im just very impatient.

:think: i had 2 inductions so maybe my body doesnt know what its supposed to be doing right about now!

i will deffo ask middy on monday!
I'm a bit confused by it all! I can't imagine it actually happening now! After 9 months of waiting i can't see myself going into labour! Lol.

But yeh these last days drag, i guess it's cos we are looking out for any signs... that and everyone asking if i've popped yet. Lol. xx
i think i was more impatient about 5 week ago than i actually am now! don't know why though. he doesn't seem to be wanting to budge anyways...infact i'm sure he's got his little self confused because he'll be coming out of my mouth and not the other end if he gets any more high up!! :lol: 2 weeks left i keep telling myself though..anytime before that will be good!!

infact i'm sure he's got his little self confused because he'll be coming out of my mouth and not the other end if he gets any more high up!!

I know what you LO is so high up now right up under my ribs its so uncomfortable.

One way or another these babies of ours will come out!!
i definately know how you feel

my pregnancy seems to have flown by and the last few days seem to have stood still, if baby still isnt here this time next week i know it will be even worse

labour dust for all of us is needed i think :dance:
Hi girls

I feel the same, only 9 days until my due date! Can't believe its only that. Hopefully next week will fly in and I have a midwife appointment on Tuesday and term hospital appointment on Friday so that will give me something to look forward too!

Hope everyone's week flies in too!!!

Happy sunday

M xx
It is a bit weird to think i could have a baby next week! :shock: just can't imagine it. My pregnancy seems to have flown by but i feel like i've been pregnant for forever! If you know what i mean. I'm not fed up of being pregnant yet but am happy for baby to come anytime :D xx
I hope the next few days go quickly for you hun. :D

Have you planned some things to do so you're not sat around waiting for LO to might help stop it dragging on forever! :pray:
sarah2807 said:
I hope the next few days go quickly for you hun. :D

Have you planned some things to do so you're not sat around waiting for LO to might help stop it dragging on forever! :pray:

:rotfl: :rotfl: I've been planning days out for the last couple of weeks due to boredom and now i've run out! It looks like it'll be down the beach for an icecream AGAIN tomorrow. Lol.

At this rate baby is going to come out holding a flake!
I hope the next few days go quickly for you hun.

Have you planned some things to do so you're not sat around waiting for LO to might help stop it dragging on forever

I have a 3 and a half year old (he has cerebral palsy so cant walk very far at all) and a 12 month old so i have my hands full no matter what i have planned! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I have a blood pressure check tomorrow at 1.20 so i wont be sitting around and i can find out about maybe getting a sweep done!!! :pray:

5 days left to due date :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: lets hope it doesnt drag too much!
BabyBee said:
sarah2807 said:
I hope the next few days go quickly for you hun. :D

Have you planned some things to do so you're not sat around waiting for LO to might help stop it dragging on forever! :pray:

:rotfl: :rotfl: I've been planning days out for the last couple of weeks due to boredom and now i've run out! It looks like it'll be down the beach for an icecream AGAIN tomorrow. Lol.

At this rate baby is going to come out holding a flake!

Pregnant women are not allowed to eat icecream van icecream! You naughty lady :lol:

BTW: am jealous of you all!!!! :x :cry: :lol:
fuffins1981 said:
BabyBee said:
sarah2807 said:
I hope the next few days go quickly for you hun. :D

Have you planned some things to do so you're not sat around waiting for LO to might help stop it dragging on forever! :pray:

:rotfl: :rotfl: I've been planning days out for the last couple of weeks due to boredom and now i've run out! It looks like it'll be down the beach for an icecream AGAIN tomorrow. Lol.

At this rate baby is going to come out holding a flake!

Pregnant women are not allowed to eat icecream van icecream! You naughty lady :lol:

BTW: am jealous of you all!!!! :x :cry: :lol:

LOL! I know.. i read that too! But it wasn't a van... lol. From what i read it's to do with the cleaning of the tubes that pipe the icrecream and bacteria and stuff - but i know the place and the people who own it and they reassured me it was well cleaned daily. LOL.

I decided it was a risk i was prepared to take... hehe.
I have a 3 and a half year old (he has cerebral palsy so cant walk very far at all) and a 12 month old so i have my hands full no matter what i have planned!

I have a blood pressure check tomorrow at 1.20 so i wont be sitting around and i can find out about maybe getting a sweep done!!!

Oh no!! Did I offend you hun. :( Sorry I didn''t mean to if I did. :hug:
Oh no!! Did I offend you hun. Sorry I didn''t mean to if I did.

Of course you didnt offend me hun! Its hard to offend me im tough as old boots :rotfl: :rotfl:

I was just saying that i dont get a chance to sit down and dwell on it......instead im chasing 2 kids around AND dwelling on STILL being pregnant :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Honestly hun no offence taken at all! :hug: :hug: :hug: Its very hard to read emotions on a forum or in text isnt it?!

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