The in laws!! :(


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2011
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So as most of u know I have begun bleeding and cramping over last night and today, which hasn't been fun. Usually on a Friday I have to go to the in laws for dinner, and as today is Friday they decided to come up to us. The oh hadn't told them that the miscarriage had started so they turned up and asked if I was ok, I was curled up on the sofa as the cramps have started to get strong again, I said not really! That was that, didn't even think it was strange I was lying on top of a dark blue towel just incase!

My mil then started to complain about her shoulders hurting, she likes to be centre of attention! I just thought this was so insensitive as it was obvious I was in pain and they knew about the myiscarriage!! Felt so hurt by this that even with me losing my baby and their 1st grandchild, that they would care a bit more and try and not out do me!

This comes after the day we told her I was probably going to miscarry, that she replied with I went to the doctors this morning and I have sun stroke and a bad back!! I am so fed up of this attitude and would have thought at times like this she could do without being in the lime light.

Not that I want loads of attention, but some acknowledgement would have been nice!! I have now retreated upstairs to my bed just so I don't have to spent time with them , which is just as ridiculous as this is my house!!

Sorry about the big old rant, but I can't say any of this to my oh for obvious reasons! Xxx
Hope your ok Hun x x
When I had my mc, I didn't tell anyone as no one knew I was pregnant and OH's grandma starts complaining how her back was really hurting and that I needed to get her a chair to sit down on!! I just wanted to scream at her "you don't know what pain I'm in ATM"
Your mil is so thoughtless! x x
people are so weird at times, my mil told went really odd afer we lost our son and shouted at DH and me that her world was falling apart- oh and mine isnt?!?!? i think just her way of dealing as she is really good with me at the mo. Your mil sounds like she needs a reality check tho, sometimes i think give them benefit of doubt and its jusst coz they dont know what to say (especially older generations) but sometimes i just wanna sock em one!!! big hugs to you and stay in bed til the battleaxe has gone!!! and you do need to be the center of attention by all those who love you coz not only are you in physical pain you are also in emotional pain, you deserve love and comfort and mil should know that,so i am sending you love and hugs x
Glad to hear I'm not the only one with weird in laws!! Although we will probably always think that as we are used to our family!! Although mine aren't any better, I speak to a couple of them.

Very grateful for the support on here from u lovely ladies :hugs: xxx

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