I love this show! I watched the whole of the first series. I'm not a chef, i can cook but not with pizazz like some people, but i'm a pretty good baker if i do say so myself - i consider them to be different things, my mum and nan are good at the cooking things, but when they bake cakes and stuff, they're often a disaster whereas i'm a million times better at the cakes and rarely have a disaster unless someone "helps" like my OH with my brownies the other day, when he tried to get them out the tin for me and battered it so much the whole lot fell into massive pieces!
I do like the cake bits of the show though, i'm awfully critical and sit there thinking "you're a moron, why on earth would you do that?" etc but that's because i'm the one in the family who makes and decorates cakes (my decorating is less good but the cake inside is scrummy!)