The Fountain of Fertility worked...

That is definitely a BFP!!! Congratulations honey - that fountain definitely did it's job :) xx
That's defo a BFP hun. Huge, huge congratulations :cheer: :dance: :yay: wishing you an extra sticky bean and a happy & healthy 9 months xxx
Thanks for posting that - I had same as you - first scan and ended up with erpc in feb, and still trying, feels like I'm very abnormal but all i need to do is find your fountain of fertility!!!

congratulations sweetie that is an amazing line!! xxx
That's def a line, just wait for the stampede to the fountain of fertility now!!
Omg Frankie that is an amazing 2nd usually really bad at seeing them on pics on here but urs is really clear! congratulations! heres to a happy and smooth 9 months xxxx

is that first response? thats as strong as my second line got when i tested with this test and i was over 1 week late for AF!! :)
Wow thats a fab strong line for a FRER!!!

Well done , congrats and wishing you a super sticky bean this time round hun, you deserve it- go and enjoy telling your hubby!!!
Congratulations. That is a definite BFP and looks exactly the same as mine did 28 weeks ago!! LOL. Don;t worry if the next test doesn't get darker, it doesn't mean anything, you are definitely up the duff :)
definitely a :BFP: congrats and fingers crossed for a happy sticky bean! xxx
aww congrats hun!!! i dnt normally see the 2nd line on here, but that is soooo clear :)

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