The exploding vagina thread is finally here!!!!

Aw congratulations Nat, he is beautiful.
Well done Lynette, one if the most entertaining labour threads ever!

Mummy to Gracie 26/10/11
Aww the best news to wake up to!! He is gorgeous.

Congratulations Carnat and welcome to baby James :yay:

How lovely that he shares a birthday with your OH xxxx
N'awwwwwww soooooo cute! Welcome baby James and a massive pat on the back for Mummy. Big congratulations :love:
He is gorgeous hun, congratulations to you and your new little family xxx
He's a beauty! Well done Nat! Now some well deserved rest and some special mummy cuddles that have been such a long time coming xx
Wow what a thread!

Congratulations Carnat, gorgeous little boy!! :) x
Well done nat :) c he was waiting for daddy's birthday :) xxx
Massive congratulations he's gorgeous xxx
Awe congrats!!!!!! He is gorgeous!!!!! What did he weigh?
Well done nat he's beautiful!!!!!!! Xxx
Congratulations Nat!!!
Absolute beauty!!!! He's prefect. Love his name :) enjoy every minute of him xxxxxxxx
Congratualtions Nat!!! He is beautiful such a gorgeous wee boy!! You was right all along!! Hope your getting lots of sleep and cuddles xx
Awww congrats nat he is georgous!! Hope you and little man are doing ok :) xxx
She had a BOY!

Nat well done and CONGRATULATIONS!!! He is beautiful, I was sooooooo wrong about my predictions.

You get to cuddle, kiss, snuggle and love your baby boy and James is an awesome name, it's on our boys list! happy birthday James and James' dad! Can't wait to join you :)

:family: your little family, well done :good:
Congrats.. hes beautiful and well done xxx
I've been quietly watching this thread for the past few days - laughing at so many comments and on the edge of my seat. This morning I got goosebumps when I read that baby was born. He's beautiful, congratulations on the arrival of your beautiful baby boy. xx

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