The dummy fairy is coming!


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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AJ is telling us all to 'ssshhhhh!'

I dont quite know how to feel. We were going to give them to the Easter Bunny but we are going away Easter Monday, so didnt want to upset him. So thought about the dummy fairy, but would do it in a couple of weeks. But it seems AJ has other ideas and has been chatting all about it this afternoon and has decorated a box with daddy to put dummies in for the fairy.

We'll have to see how it goes.... good job the dummy fairy stocked up on gifts in return for dummies!
Hope the Dummy fairy is successfull Hun x
Oh bless him! He seems keen to get rid of them!! Good luck x x
Haha, the idea of the fairy coming and leaving presents is great! :lol:

Once he realised he was going to bed without his beloved 'me' there were tears. He only cried for a few minutes though, so we just have to get through the night now :oooo:
Oh, good luck! I bet he gives it up easier than you think. We let Oliver have bedtime bottle of milk for far too long. We kapt putting off stopping it for various reasons. The day we stopped it, he asked for it a couple of times, then went to sleep. He hasn't had it since! I think I was more upset about it than he was!
He stirred about 15 mins ago but settled.

I get you with being more upset than him, I think he'll be ok after a few days. Its me that will be bad, its his last 'baby' thing to go :(

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