The big belly button 'pop'


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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I was just wondering when this generally happens?

I've never been able to see the bottom of my belly button, its always been a bottomless pit lol - but now I can see the bottom of it! Its odd looking!
So I'm guessing that means its on its way out?

I know it doesn't happen with everyone, and I'd prefer it not to pop, but just wondering if it happened to anyone else, and when? X

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Mine never popped out but got shallower x

27 weeks pregnant. Team yellow too hope to find out peanuts sex on 26th march x
Oooh, I dunno, just had a look at mine, but looks the same! x
I always had an outie when I was younger, but it disappeared as I got older and put on weight! Now, its back, came back around week 20 I would say, don't think everyone gets them though! Wish I didn't,but never mind!
My belly button is harder round the edge, so I don't' know if that means it's coming out? Like the muscles round it are right on the top or something? I'm a bit scared by it cos mine has always been something that's freaked me out, I'm scared there's nothing at the end of it and there will just be a big hole!! So silly, but bellybuttons are horrible in my opinion!
I have always had a deep 'inny' but in the last few weeks the middle has come out and if I tense my muscles in my tummy the whole thing pops. It's pretty flat now when I'm sitting down but when standing up the whole thing is slightly raised x
With my son my bump was huge coz of all the excess fluid and my belly button stayed well and truly in! This time though, I'm measuring normal but it started to pop out around 20ish weeks and now at 28 weeks has been more or all popped out since around 26 weeeks :cry: I hate it, got a thing about belly buttons, make me wanna vom lol Just praying it goes back in afterwards!!!!!
My belly button was also a bottomless pit but now its not completely out but just the same level as my belly there's no dip to it at all x
Mines always been quite deep but it's getting shallower and wider! I'm hoping it will just level out rather than pop!
Mine is still in at the moment and I don't think it looks any shallower yet.

I have a real thing about belly buttons- poking me in the belly button is a sure fire way to completely incapacitate me! I double oveer and can't stand up cuz it makes me feel so weird! Eugh!!

Mine is still in at the moment and I don't think it looks any shallower yet.

I have a real thing about belly buttons- poking me in the belly button is a sure fire way to completely incapacitate me! I double oveer and can't stand up cuz it makes me feel so weird! Eugh!!


I'm exactly the same! Lol.

Belly buttons just creep me out and I don't wana see the inside of mine pop out!
Bleugh lol x

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Mine has definitely gotten wider n shallower :(. I don't want it to pop out!
Mine has always been narrow and deep and now it's much shallower and wider and I can see the bottom of it - eww. Really hoping it doesn't pop out.
I'm dreading this part of pregnancy, I had an outie as a child and trained it to go in as it looked proper odd. Now I'm worried when I get bigger that its going to pop out and just look ridiculous, like one of those meat thermometers that tells you when your roast is done :(

If it does, I'll be cracking out the super glue/plasters to keep it taped down!! ha ha!
I'm dreading this part of pregnancy, I had an outie as a child and trained it to go in as it looked proper odd. Now I'm worried when I get bigger that its going to pop out and just look ridiculous, like one of those meat thermometers that tells you when your roast is done :(

If it does, I'll be cracking out the super glue/plasters to keep it taped down!! ha ha!

I had an outie as a child and it went in as I got older but when I was pregnant it full on came out! I was mortified but it was cute at the same time lol. It could clearly be seen under all my clothes! But now it's gone completely back to how it was :)
Hubby hates belly buttons.... he hates his being touched and they freak him out in general.... Mine is staying in at the moment but I have not really paid much attention to it! I will have a proper look later on....xx
Oh I am terrified of this happening when I get round to it...bit like some of the other ladies, I am really freaked out about my belly button, its super sensitive and not in a good way...I could be sick just thinking about it popping out....please don't let this happen to me!!! xxx
I'm soooooo glad someone as asked this!!!!!!!!

I have ALWAYS had such a deep belly button and now i can see the bottom of it!! Its odd! i can see mt scar frommy laperoscopy a couple of years ago! i dont know if it will pop out or not though because i have had the bottom and top pierced and the top bit looks strange now my belly button isnt deep! it's odd lol but saying that i was laughing my arse off on saturday and my bely button was popping out!!!!
*Shivers* All this talk of popping belly buttons is making me feel all cringey and weeiiirddd!!!
Luckily, mine's still in atm, and Im hoping it doesnt pop, but it has got a lot shallower! I can see the bottom, Ive never seen the bottom before!
Fingers crossed for all our innies to stay innies!!

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