Belly Button......


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2007
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Odd question, but does anyone know if your belly button will definately "pop" out, and if so, roughly when it is supposed to happen?

I am 21 + 2, and my belly button is really sore (not on the skin but in the flesh underneath). It feels really tight and when i press around it it feels a bit bruised.

Is this a sign it is going to "pop" ?! i really hope so as i actually want it to (think it looks kinda cool and makes you look even more preggers!) but am not sure if it definately happens.

Any ideas?!?!
Mine hasn't popped it has just gotten wider - it's like a massive hole you can see right into!

I don't think everyones belly button pops out mine never when i was pregnant with George so, I doubt it will do this time either.
Mine hasn't popped - It was on its way out then stopped so it's just flat now :lol:
Mines going flat, it looks kind of cute at the moment. I'll post if it pops out.

Anyone else? Maybe it's a third tri stage thing :think:
mine hasnt popped out, its stretched across though! which made my belly bars sore so i took them out!
well not evey button pops myn hasnt i dont think u can tell really because mine has been flat and slighty out for months and hasnt done much else :(
Mine is nearly out. In fact when i laugh/cough/ pull on my tummy muscles (like when sitting up in bed) it pops out. My OH thinks it's freaky as when i laugh it goes in and out. Lol
Mine hasn't popped. It has been getting shallower and shallower and you can see the bullseye round it that used to be the inside of my belly button but now is belly :shock: I think mine is far more likely to go flat than to pop out as there's not much left now.
Mines looks as if it half way out i keep a check on it as think it will freak me out if it does lol.. think would be a bit embarrassed too, everyone will be able to see it through my clothes :oops: :pray: it doesn't! xx
Mine looks a bit funny. it is a half inny half outy (lol) and depending on how bloated i am, there is a line where the skin is stretched. it loks a bit bigger, but doesnt cause any discomfort or anything yet. i suppose only time will tell :lol:
I just looked again, IT GOING TO POP OUT!!! Yay!!! was looking forward to it happening.

Does it ever go back in?!?!
Not everybody's does. Mine never popped during my first pregnancy, just went much shallower until almost flat, but never stuck out at all. I was kinda hoping it would though..maybe this time? x
Mine hasn't popped out it is just less of a "innie" than it used to be. There is a lady at work who has a phobia about belly buttons that pop out - could be interesting if mine does!
Mines currently getting shallower and hurting a little, i get pains behind it and my belly bar is almost unremovable now, luckily the bar itself doesnt hurt unless i catch it cos obviously i'm not used to it being so far out lol

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