The beginning of the end?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2007
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I thought we were doing quite well mainly breastfeeding with one formula feed at the end of the day. Oscar hasn't been putting on large amounts of weight and is slowly dropping down the percentile graph but my HV has been pleased with his progress especially in light of his tongue tie. He has displayed colicky symptoms since birth pretty much and the shrieking in the evening has steadily been getting worse. We had company yesterday evening and it really brought it home exactly how bad the screaming was until he got his bottle (9oz of water so about 10.5oz in total) then he changed into the happiest little content baby like he normally does. Usually of an evening, I pretty much breastfeed him from 6pm until his bottle feed which we have been bringing earlier and earlier of late as this is the only thing that seems to stop the screaming.

This morning I was woken early (he usually sleeps through) and fed him from about 6am onwards until about midday when my OH called. Every half hour or so Oscar would fall asleep on the boob only to wake up screaming minutes later and start to feed ferociously again I haven't been feeling well for a couple of days, got the cold/cough thing that is going around so was feeling pretty crap when OH called and together we made the decision to give Oscar another formula feed. I dragged us both out of bed and he again turned into a happy contented little smiley baby after the formula feed. In fact I was able to put him down for an hour and a half nap when usually he refuses to nap all day unless practically forced.

The rest of the afternoon continued as normal, I fed him three hours after that before we went to the Doctors for his 12 week injections. When we returned he appeared hungry so I tried to feed but he kept spitting out the nipple shield and screaming. He was obviously hungry as he was sucking so hard it was agony (the start of our feeds are often painful, I think due to him sucking to hard to get the milk through the shield. We didn't want to see him like this so quickly made up a 3oz bottle which he gulped down. He has just had his last bottle of the day and has gone to sleep smiling at the Christmas tree lights.

So I guess my question (and the point of all this) is do you think this is him now refusing the breast and stating his preference for the bottle? It seems strange that after three months of being happy to do bottle and nipple shield interchangeably that he is now refusing the boob. Is it possible that being ill could've affected my supply? My breastfeeding counsellor was always worried about the use of nipple shields that it would reduce my supply prematurely so perhaps that is what has happened - although I know other ladies on here have been able to breastfeed longterm with the shields. Unfortunately he was unable to latch on from the beginning so using them was unavoidable. Or perhaps the refusal was a reaction to his injections.

I'm going to keep offering him boob still but if he keeps refusing and screaming I will have to try expressing and combining that with formula feeds. I don't feel anywhere near as gutted as I thought I would at the thought that he possibly doesn't want to breastfeed any more. In fact when I see how happy he looks after a bottle feed and how all the colicky screaming has stopped because of it, I wonder if I've been starving him in my obstinacy with breastfeeding. I hate the thought that he may have been crying with hunger and I hadn't realised. Thinking on it, he hasn't been milk drunk for weeks after a breastfeed, in fact his feeds have been getting longer and longer and I have been taking his falling asleep on the boob as a sign that he is finished instead of him spitting it out.

I think my supply is/was ok, I think the problem might be how effectively he feeds because of the tongue tie. I will try upping my oat intake and other things to increase my supply but if he is having trouble getting the milk out, it probably won't make much difference.
I think that by giving the bottle could have caused nipple confusion, but thats only could - some will switch fine others wont. Consistant use of nipple shields can reduce your supply as the baby isn't sucking on the breast the way they would if the nipple shield wasn't there. However this isn't always the case.

Breastfeeding works on supply and demand so if you supplement a feed with a bottle regularly your body thinks that baby needs less milk and will in turn produce less milk. Were you told to express as well to keep your supply up?

Also babies go through numerous growth spurts in which they'll feel a hell of a lot more than usual in order to increase milk supply.

What you could do is to express when oscar is having a bottle and generally express as much as you can to try an increase your milk supply - if thats what you want to do.
Dont have much to add but sounds like you're doing soooo well to be persevering mildly so have some :hug:

FWIW me and a couple others have recently posted about 'fussing'. Reggie is completely breastfed and yet has been refusing the boob recently though i know he is hungry he just fusses and tries to fight it. He is calming down a bit now but had a couple really bad weeks of doing this and the other posters said the exact same.

So it may be that its just a phase while he gets through a growth spurt or whatever else it is that makes them do this :think:

Anyways sounds lke you know what you're doing and well done for not getting upset about it, you are doing the best for him whatever :hug: .xxxx
Thank you for your replies :)

Midna, he has been having formula since birth due to weight loss and incredibly slow weight gain but I have managed to keep it to just one feed a day. His tongue tie seems to prevent him from feeding effectively on the breast. My breastfeeding counsellor has explained to me about babies using their tongues to massage the milk from the boob which he is unable to do, he can only suck. I saw the picture of your baby's lovely chubby legs in another thread and thought the Oscar looks positively scrawny in comparison and this is on one huge formula feed and he breastfeeds on demand all day which normally works out every 1.5 to 2 hours. I guess, as you say the ball is in my court and I don't feel I can risk dropping the formula feed in case he loses weight. I don't really want to end up in hospital over it and I'm not sure that it is as straightforward as you say on account of his tongue tie.

kelsey, he did seem to be doing fine going from shield to bottle so I hoped we had avoided any confusion. I do express when my OH is feeding the bottle although it is like getting blood out of a stone and I can only get around 3oz from both breasts whereas Oscar is drinking a full 9oz bottle of formula. I certainly wouldn't mind him feeding more if he actually fed but this screaming is worrying me. Unfortunately he likes to be held most of the day so my only chance to express is when my OH comes home.

Thanks Reggiesmummy :hug: , hmm that is interesting about the fussing. Does Reggie suck frantically for 30 secs or so and then break off and scream? How do you get past it? I can't force him to feed and am just so worried about him losing weight that he can't afford to lose :hug:
My youngest also has tongue tie and it is a very trying time when breastfeeding,

Eta - not so trying if you can get the right help with it. Maybe its worth seeing a lact consultant if you want to continue bf and are worried about weight.
midna, no problems, I appreciate your reply. It's good to hear people's opinions and experiences :)

kelsey, of course, I had forgotten you have experience of tongue tie. As much as I would have loved to exclusively breastfeed unfortunately due to external pressure and my own worries we have done the mix feeding. I do wonder if things would have been different if we hadn't introduced the formula feed but I guess I'll never know.

From having written my original post and from reading my own replies, the thing that has struck me most about today is that it made me so happy to see him being a content, smiley little guy instead of screaming. So I guess it means that I am happy to let him decide a preference for bottles. I will try and express as much as I can for him if he continues to refuse the boob but I won't stand by and watch him scream because that is what he's been doing for the last 13ish weeks. Thank you for helping me realise that :)
Good luck with continung to breastfeed apart from your one formula feed a day. Maybe your baby is just going through a fussy stage and it will hopefully settle down soon? Just to add, giving top up formula feeds (i.e. straight after a breast feed ) will reduce your milk supply more than if you give a bottle at specific times of the day. This is because your body will stop making milk at those set times but will, if you're lucky, continue to make milk for all other feeds. If you top up after a breastfeed instead it is more confusing for your body. Unfortunately mixed feeding doesn't work for a lot of people where as some manage really well. Bottle feeding is much easier for baby so they usually show a preference for it eventually. I hope you manage to get through this without introducing more formula if that's what you want xx
Mildly said:
Thanks Reggiesmummy :hug: , hmm that is interesting about the fussing. Does Reggie suck frantically for 30 secs or so and then break off and scream? How do you get past it? I can't force him to feed and am just so worried about him losing weight that he can't afford to lose :hug:

Mildly that is EXACTLY what he's been doing, he would suck anything and everything that came in his line of vision but when i tried to feed him he would scream blue murder, I was trying anything to distract him enough to get him to feed long enough to realise he didnt wanna fight it, mostly by patting his back or showing him my mobile phone lit up as that made him stop crying and start sucking! It went on for a couple weeks, he seems ok again now though and only does it every now and then but at the time he was refusing most day feeds until i managed to distract him enough! I know a couple others made the same post too and their LO's were also 3-4 months at the time. :hug: xx
mildly.. i dont know how you've coped for so long :hug:

my lo is the same with feeding, on/off falling asleep etc, and hes 6weeks old, well done for hanging in there, do whatever feels right for you and Lo good luck huni with whatever you decide xxx
Thanks for the replys guys :)

To update, he woke at 5am and was quite happy to suction back on the boob so that is the good news.

The less good news is that he fed from 5am til around midday non-stop except for when he had brief 10 minute naps and woke up screaming for more food. I then gave him 10.5oz of formula at 12.30 because I was so exhausted and he slept for an hour, then at 2.30 he was screaming for more food. He is now sleeping again but only because we went out walking in the rain with the buggy so he'd fall asleep.

I'm guessing the fussiness was connected to the injections, at least I hope. Although I think he is definitely in a growth spurt now. I don't know how you ladies cope with these. I am completely exhausted from the continual feeding. I'm hoping it stops before xmas day as they'll be no point in me going anywhere if all I'm going to be doing is feeding him.
Mildly said:
Thanks for the replys guys :)

To update, he woke at 5am and was quite happy to suction back on the boob so that is the good news.

The less good news is that he fed from 5am til around midday non-stop except for when he had brief 10 minute naps and woke up screaming for more food. I then gave him 10.5oz of formula at 12.30 because I was so exhausted and he slept for an hour, then at 2.30 he was screaming for more food. He is now sleeping again but only because we went out walking in the rain with the buggy so he'd fall asleep.

I'm guessing the fussiness was connected to the injections, at least I hope. Although I think he is definitely in a growth spurt now. I don't know how you ladies cope with these. I am completely exhausted from the continual feeding. I'm hoping it stops before xmas day as they'll be no point in me going anywhere if all I'm going to be doing is feeding him.

It was really exhausting i remember! But it did get better after a week or so, so hopefully it was just a growth spurt and oscar will get over it in a few days, hopefully before xmas at least! If not and you dont wanna resort to formula the expressing is a good idea as that way you can bottle feed it and make sure he has more than he would if he was on the boob and being fussy? Good luck mildly :hug: xx
its pretty hard to persever with breast feeding when they want so much and formula satisfys them. I'd let OScar decide what he wants, after all he is his own best expert.

sorry i missed this hon, i was away and poorly at the time so not accessing the internet...

how are things??

:hug: :hug:

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