That's me done!


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
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Well just finished bleeding after mc no 3.
I have 2 gorgeous little girls who ate 4 1/2
and 2 1/2 and I'm now 40 yrs old.
Think I'm going to stop trying for no 3 as we have a great life and the girls are happy and healthy.
I'm sure this feeling of wanting another will pass one day :(
im so sorry for your loss,
im so happy you have two beautiful girls that are happy. xx
So sorry for your losses :( it's a very hard decision giving up, I wish I could give up but I am still childless :(

It's fab you've got your girls :)
So sorry :-( I too am 40 but I have no kids, and fear this is the way it's going to be. I've only had one mc but I don't know that I'd cope with any more. Take care of yourself xx
So sorry for loss and for having to make the difficult decision to stop ttc :hugs:
Your girls are the most important thing, enjoy each other :)
So sorry for your losses, how hard for you and a brave decision to make. don't feel you have to stick to it if this acute pain eases and you do decide to try again :hug:
Oh I'm so sorry!!!!!! I was thinking of you and hoping it would not end like this.

Cyber :hugs: all the way.
I am so sorry for your losses!!

I think you are so brave to stop trying. I wish I could after 4 but I am childless and I am driven now to get what I want.

Good luck to you xx
I am realy sorry for ur loss :-( I to am nearly 40 have other children but suffered 2 losses in the last year I will try 1 more time and see how I go xx
Hi hun,
so so sorry, for your losses.
I am 38, fast approaching 39. and have had 2 x MC and have one son.
I am trying one more time,
but like you think that if happens again then that will be it.
Its so emotionally devastating and wearing.

I know what a hard decision that is to make as I have been toying with that decision myself for a longtime.
But for me I know its the hurt talking.

You never know, maybe if you just let the whole idea go, it may just happen, you hear of that all the time.

But whatever the outcome I wish you well. xxx
I'm so sorry you have suffered these losses and are at the point of giving up trying.
You're in my thoughts hun, massive hugs


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