That was awful! rant


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2011
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Morning ladies, just had my GTT done. Was already feeling rather lousy with the heat. The glucose drink was yuck! then got left in a tiny boiling hot room full of old people for 2 hours, feeling dizzy and sick.
Now Ive got to go run around after 3 year olds at work when the aircons not working. Please let it be the weekend soon!

apologies for the rant! How long did it take to get results for those of you that have had GTT?

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Sorry to hear it was a horrible experience. I hope you manage to cool down and that this afternoon isnt too hectic for you.

No idea how long the results will take, but if there is an anomoly I would have hoped you'd get a call in the next few days.
I had mine back within 48 hours x
Aww hun, I hate having it done too. Had mine last wednesday, haven't heard a word since so am assuming it was negative (that's what happened with the one I had with my son also).

Hopefully once you've had something to eat you will start to feel better. That's the worst part for me, the fasting... just cruel lol
Hi there,

I was really worried about my GTT but actually I found it ok and I didn't even mind the drink!

I was told that I wouldn't hear anything unless there was a problem with my results. My midwife informed me that all was fine at my last apt.

Not long til the weekend now! x
I hated my GTT cos I nearly fainted a few times lol. I got results back the in the afternoon on same day, but everywhere is different xx
My Dad is diabetic, should I be having this GTT test? The midwife hasn't said anything to me about it, but then I don't find they tell me much at my midwife appointments. Thanks x
I had my results officially through the post a few days after, but I actually found out the day after as the midwife looked it up. Perhaps you could call a MW and ask if they can look them up? Sorry it was an ordeal, all done now and hopefully you will get normal results back! xx
My Dad is diabetic, should I be having this GTT test? The midwife hasn't said anything to me about it, but then I don't find they tell me much at my midwife appointments. Thanks x

I would check with your MW - I'm not sure if gestational diabetes is more likely if there is a history of diabetes in the family but would be worth checking xx
Aww sorry it sucked :(. Not a good time to have a GTT in this bloody weather! My nurse said they'd contact me if there were any problems and that no news was good news :). So I didn't find out til my MW appointment 2 weeks later that everything was fine lol. Might be different in different areas though :).

My Dad is diabetic, should I be having this GTT test? The midwife hasn't said anything to me about it, but then I don't find they tell me much at my midwife appointments. Thanks x

I was made to have it cause my grandad had diabetes. Maybe ask? x

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Thanks all, Hopefully wont hear anything then! xx

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eurgh, that sounds awful!!

im not liking this heat! fingers crossed for good news about the GTT test!!

My Dad is diabetic, should I be having this GTT test? The midwife hasn't said anything to me about it, but then I don't find they tell me much at my midwife appointments. Thanks x

Emma my dad is type 2 they asked me at my booking in appointment. I was going to have one at 28 weeks because of that fact but I showed sugar in my wee earlier anyway x
My Dad is diabetic, should I be having this GTT test? The midwife hasn't said anything to me about it, but then I don't find they tell me much at my midwife appointments. Thanks x

I had the GTT because my dad has type II diabetes so yes, ask your MW.

I thought the test was OK and results came in within two days, but they said they'd only ring me if there was a problem.
I had to have a GTT last Friday as my FIL has type two diabetes and because o my heritage. I had a consultant appointment yesterday and they checked the system for my results and they are all clear, so I am guessing if eerything is OK then you do not hear back until your next MW appointment. x
Thanks ladies.

I asked my midwife today and she said that if my blood sugar result is okay from my 28 week blood test results then there is no need for me to have the test as my bump is measuring normal. I'm not really convinced by her answer as a lot of people have had to have test because their in-laws have diabetes and the fact that my Dad has diabetes (and is on insulin injections) and his parents also had it makes me think that really they should test me. I've not found my midwife appointments to be very helpful, feel like I'm the one that has to ask them all the time about things, e.g. my antenatal classes, they didn't bother telling me about these until I asked and now my last antenatal class is booked for 2 weeks before my due date as there is no availability for June!
My mw appointments seem to be the exact same Emma, she actually seemed like she was annoyed I was asking so many questions!! I had to ask about parenting classes, all she did was give me a number, and I asked about general health questions cos I was getting lightheadedness and dizzy spells, and she just told me to make a doctor's appointment cos it didn't sound like it was pregnancy related! I thought that was a really common thing in pregnancy, so I think she was just fobbing me off.
I haven't been asked to do a GTT test even though my brother has Type 1 diabetes, so I'm a bit surprised. I guess cos I'm measuring within a week I'm not needing to? It didn't even occur to me to ask about that xx
My mw appointments seem to be the exact same Emma, she actually seemed like she was annoyed I was asking so many questions!! I had to ask about parenting classes, all she did was give me a number, and I asked about general health questions cos I was getting lightheadedness and dizzy spells, and she just told me to make a doctor's appointment cos it didn't sound like it was pregnancy related! I thought that was a really common thing in pregnancy, so I think she was just fobbing me off.
I haven't been asked to do a GTT test even though my brother has Type 1 diabetes, so I'm a bit surprised. I guess cos I'm measuring within a week I'm not needing to? It didn't even occur to me to ask about that xx

Its awful that your both having to ask all the questions they should be telling you these things!
I'm measuring normal Leesey. Seems some places are more thorough than others! x

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