Thankgod for breathing sensor monitors


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2006
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:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Its only starting to sink in now, i had such a scary night last night. I went up about 11pm checked on Alfie who seemed fine, plugged the monitor in in my room and went to sleep.
Next thing i knew i was out of bed in Alfies room and the breathing sensor alarm was going off, alfie was breathing but really faint and taking ages between each breath, i touched him he was warm but he didnt move or stir, i dont know why but i just grabbed him and slapped his back, the bottem bit and he coughed choked and threwup a massive mucus clot. sorry if the next bit is TMI, i checked this mucus plug stuff to check it wasnt food as i was terrified it was because he has finger foods now and i thought he may have choked one up, but it wasnt it was pure mucus. I picked him up bought him downstairs and rang the Out Of Hours Doctors who asked questions said id done the right thing and said that if he seemed perky now then to just keep an eye on him and if he got worse then they would send out an ambulance, so Alfie spent all night sleeping on me whilst i watched dvds in the dark, he woke up at 6am looked at me and smiled he seems fine today, got alot of colour back yesterday he was really not himself and quite peeky.
I dont know what it was, or why, but thankgod for those sensors. Iv just put the little monster down for a nap and im going to get a shower to wake myself up, its only kicking in now what happened, i cant imagine what i would of woken up to without those pads, thankgod i didnt have to find out.
You must have been so scared!

Im Glad Alfie is ok now :hug:
OMG Steph :hug: :hug: :hug:

Im so glad Alfie is ok sweetheart. That must have been so scary :(
:shock: :shock: oh steph sre you ok? :hug: :hug: :hug:

that would have scared the life out of me
hope alfie's ok too :hug: :hug: :hug:
that sounds really scary, i'm glad you reacted so quickly :)

i was just considering gettin one of these monitors think i will definately get one now :)
Oh steph that sounds awful! Glad he seems better today. :hug:
OMG Hun :shock:
Thank goodness you have that alarm.
I can totally understand how you feel :hug: When Dan stopped breathing with his bronchilitis (sp) I have never felt so scared and sick (I thought I was going to throw up) in all my life. Quick thinking reactions though, what a clever mummy you are! Take it easy and try to relax. I know easier said then done, but you've had a real fright :hug:
Awww how scary ! :( I am glad hes ok, were did you get the sensor from, I think im going to get one
awwww Steph :( god i am so glad Alfie is ok, thank god for the sensor, we haven't got one, maybe should get one?

take care, :hug: for you & your little man :hug:
My god, glad he is ok. i was thinking of getting one of those but most definately will now :hug: :hug:
:shock: OMG how scary!! You must have been terrified, but you did all the right things, what a great mummy!!! Thank God you had that alarm!! Hope you are ok :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I have this and it is fantastic, without it i might have posted a different story today, thanks girls for your kind words, Its been a rollercoaster few weeeks regarding one thing and another, and now im starting to get the what ifs. Thankyou again, hope to speak to you all soon :hug: :hug:
Thats the one i have hun... i was gonna stop using mine soon but now i'm gonna keep it... so glad alfie is ok :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thats really scary and my worse nightmare. glad he is ok hunny, well done, hes lucky to have a quick thinking mummy xx :hug:
OMG :shock: That must have been terrifying! Those angelcare monitors are great I don't think I'd be able to sleep without ours!
Glad Alfie is ok! :hug:
So glad he's ok hun, bet u were terrified! Thank god for that monitor thats all I can say :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: xxx
omg thats awful!!! how scary for you hun :hug:

Im so pleased that dear little alfie is ok now bless him :hug:

I too am seriously thinking of getting one now xxxx
i would recommend getting one (to all those who said they were thinking about it) im sitting watching my little boy play and i cant believe without this wonderful monitor i wouldnt be watching him, the wierdest thing is though before i had him I insisted on this monitor ians mum even told me not to bother to get the camera one so i could see him but i said no i wanted the sensor as i wouldnt be able to watch the vid thing whilst i was asleep :shock:

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