Thank goodness for an amazing Dr!


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2010
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As some may be aware I had my Drs appintment booked for yesterday for 5.20pm to notify her of my pregnancy.

At about 3pm-ish I noticed some blood in some cm. Cue me panicking and worrying for the rest of the afternoon, but decided best to wait it out until my appointment.

Went to my Drs appointment, they were running 30mins late, cue more worrying. Saw my wonderful Dr, told her about the blood and she has sent off a referral for an early scan, 1. to check all is ok and 2. to get an idea of my EDD. She was so lovely and said that my symptoms are all very positive so it could just a little bleed from embedding or the placenta developing.

Now I just have to wait it out. I haven't seen anymore blood since, but I have had some cramping which I am keeping my fingers crossed is just everything stretching and although I went to bed at 9.30pm I woke at 3.30am to use the loo, I had a headache and felt really sick. I am they are good signs.

Should get a call next week for the scan and I only work about a mile away from the hosp.

The Dr said she thinks my EDD will be between the 4th & 11th of Feb, just got to wait for that scan next week!

If you got this far well done, I do ramble - sorry!
Great news - well done, and your doc sounds lovely, I thought you might have an eary scan anyway to get a better idea of dates as your cycle was misbehaving too! Try not to worry about the spotting, it could well be from things changeing and moving down there, just keep an eye onit, (sure you are!).

Look forward to your scan news X
am glad the dr is organising you a early scan, like you say you are showing all positive signs, but i know how you feel. just try and relax until the scan. let us know how you get on x
Thanks for your advice ladies. I keep telling myself that it was just down to stretching etc and all is fine, got to keep positive, hard at times though.

I will of course report back.
Just went to the loo and had some pinky CM. I am really scared and feel so low.
I had three days of half a small panty liner at 4 weeks, then the same but for 7 days at what would have actually been 7 weeks, and now still wearing panty liners daily as getting small amounts off and on, my scan said all good currently, so please try not to worry, I got in a state about it last week, and does no good for anyone , hang in there, try to keep busy till your scan X
Thanks hun. I am trying to keep positive and fortunately I dont feel like crying right now.

Still got the cramps though, they feel a little different to the ones since I got my bfp. Does anyone know if that is normal? For cramping to feel a bit different.
My cramps feel different mrs b,wen I first got my bfp they was like af type cramps but r now sharper and more at the sides xx
Ok, that's interesting. Mine are sharper today and change from being at the sides to all over. Fingers crossed it is bubba getting bigger.

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