Test strips!! Anyone used them?


Active Member
Jan 29, 2009
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Has anyone used them strips to test with? I ordered some off ebay. Used one every morning now for three mornings in a row because af is still a no show. Anyway, on the one i used this morning it had a faint positive line, even my fella saw it, but it faded after a few minutes. Anyone had this happen when they have used the test strips? Are they reliable? Thanks xxx
in my experience its very hit and miss with the ebay cheapies, they were showing negative for me, even when i was a week late, and i got a +ve on a clearblue digi later in the day, but i also know people who have found them really reliable
Sorry - I'm gatecrashing...but I got my first positive on an ebay strip...but didn't quite believe it! I think they're fine for like preliminary testing, but I used a FR and then a digi to make sure. That's what I suggest you do too, that way you'll know for sure. Your hormone levels should be increasing quite quickly if you are pg, so test tomorrow or the day after (if you can wait that long!) with a FR and then you'll know. Good luck - fingers crossed for you!
If it disappears, it's likely to be an evap line, hon. The best thing to do is not look at it (I know, MUCH easier said than done :lol: ) until more than 5 minutes have gone. Make sure the line, if you see one, is the same colour as the control line. Hope that line sticks around for ya! :hug:
I got my BFP on the ebay cheapies and used the ebay cheapie OPK's (fell pregnant the first month using them), to be honest I found them totally reliable, and great if you are a POAS addict like I was!!

The lines on the ebay cheapies can be quite faint to begin with........

Good luck hun
I got my BFP on the ebay cheapies and used the ebay cheapie OPK's (fell pregnant the first month using them), to be honest I found them totally reliable, and great if you are a POAS addict like I was!!

The lines on the ebay cheapies can be quite faint to begin with........

Good luck hun
I got my BFP on one of those test strips with 1st pregnancy. I wasn't sure whether I believed it so I did 9 of them at once and they all came back positive :D Then went out the next day and got a digi one just to make sure :D
i got my bfp with summer using a cheapie :D

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