Tempting fate or sencible thinking ?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2011
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Hey Ladies,
Ive been internet ''window'' shopping :) for months now (ever since we decided to try for a baby) and this morning i have made a big list of everything i need / want for when i finally have my baby.
Ive chosen everything from my travel system and cot bed right down to nursery decorations !!!!!
The dilema i have is .... most of the stuff i have chosen is in the sale and to buy it at the current sale price it would save me just under £400 :shock:.
Would i be mad to buy everything now for when i do conceive or would i be tempting fate ? And would i be best to wait till i have conceived and i have had my 12 week scan ect and just buy everything at full price ?
What do you all think ? xx
I would wait just because having everything there really stress the things to immediately conceive but it may take months or a year.but that's just me. If you enjoy it and have the place to store things go for it.
I think I will wait until 3 trimester as new things appear on stores all the time :)
Entirely up to you hun & what you will feel comfortable with
If you are able to store somewhere else then I would definately buy esp with such savings, least this way it won't cause any further stress if TTC takes a bit longer then expected
Thanks for the advise Hope - you are probably right ! I just get sooooooo excited ! I think i need to calm down and stop looking on the internet !!!!!!! :smile:
I would also wait, im not saying this is going to happen to you but when I started trying i got carried away and started looking at stuff then when I got my BFP and then MC I was so down and relieived I hadnt bought anything.

I think its better to wait until you are pregnant because then you are actually shopping for your new baby rather than the baby that you might have one day.

Good luck with TTC xxx
Hmm well I certainly don't think it will be tempting fate and you can't underestimate the importance of saving money, but like the other girls said it might be a source of pressure plus you never know what family and friends might give you or buy for you ;)
Thanks for the advise peeps ! You are right, im gunna wait, and just save the money i was gunna spend and then keep saving so i have a nice little fund to spend when it does happen ! Thanks for your support and talking some sence into me !!!!!!! :)

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