Just thought i would share this with you, my temp is starting to rise and i am hoping it stays higher tomorrow which means i ovulated on day 19.
I have been a bit anxious as last month i either didnt ovulate or have a very funny cycle with short luteal phase and am hoping this doesnt happen again as it can suggest a problem...
SO here is to my temp staying up for a good 12 days!! we also BD on day 18 too, which would be good timing...
Hope last month was just a one off
Just thought i would share this with you, my temp is starting to rise and i am hoping it stays higher tomorrow which means i ovulated on day 19.
I have been a bit anxious as last month i either didnt ovulate or have a very funny cycle with short luteal phase and am hoping this doesnt happen again as it can suggest a problem...
SO here is to my temp staying up for a good 12 days!! we also BD on day 18 too, which would be good timing...
Hope last month was just a one off