My mum is like yours Lexi, anytime I mention having another baby it seems to be the worst idea in the world to her. As if its stupid to have a child now even though she had me and my wee brothers younger than me and like 4 year apart. She sometimes doesnt entertain itll happen, ever. That pisses me off tbh because she doats on Jackson. They have such a good relationship.
I told my mum first time round when I was like 6w because I was shitting myself, I thought, what the hell bite the bullet. She took it ok, only because I told her and my dad together. I was 21 and have been with my partner since high school, we had a big enough flat etc. However she then wanted me to tell my auntie who was over from America and I ended up telling everyone early, which now I totally regret. I asked her the week before we got onto the subject - both her and my dad says that they would hope that I would wait because there is more to life, that kind of hurt and upset me at the time, but now I see what they mean. But at the same time, its my life and I live with each sacrifice. Jackson was the best one Ive made, so now their comments dont and wont mean anything now?
It is a very personal thing, some tell family straight away, esp their mum. But if your mums like mine then I get why you might wanna wait. Personally if it were me Id wait then surprise her. You dont need any extra worry than you have up until your scan if she gives you any negative feedback and you can always change your mind. Plus considering people will soon know from 12 weeks on, its nice to have something nice for you both to have during your engagement celebrations also..
I told my mum about my MC, incase she had to be there for J when we were at the hospital, she was fine about that but then she asked if Id get my coil back in and when I says I dunno (not wanting to tell her no) she was like oh so is this your plan now? pop out baby after baby? I says hang on, I have had 1, who is now 3, and I have always lived and looked after myself and I dont need any of your comments right now. She hasnt brought it up since. And I was older than her when she had her first (me at 17 I was 21 with J). Some say they are just worried but I dunno what my mums problem is, shes just so negative.
Next time I wont be telling any family until 12 weeks, keeping it off Facebook and away from immediate friends until like 20w. And no due date either. I learned that first time round.