telling family tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2008
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telling my mum and dad and my two sisters tomorrow. i know its uber early but i cant keep it to myself. telling some very close friends on saturday. I know I shouldnt be telling anyone just now but i am going to one of those friends weddings in the next couple of weeks and i cant use the "iam on antibiotics"as a not drinking excuse.

how early did you tell people?
yay good luck hun!! i told my mum straight away, and my sis heard me chucking up at xmas so i told her then. and as our scan went well we told some of our friends yesterday. and everyone else can wait til after 12 weeks!

With my first 2 pregnancies i told everyone on the same day i got my bfp practically, theres no right or wrong. although ive learned its nice to have some time to get used to it on ur own without friends and family constantly talking about it. but its also great to have people who know without keeping it a secret!
we told our parents and brothers and a couple of close friends when we found out, round about 5 weeks. good luck, hope they will all be happy for you :hug: :hug:
Awwww good luck hun - I'm sure they'll be thrilled for you :hug:
I got my BFP 6 hours ago and we've already told our parents!! Couldn't keep it to ourselves!

Enjoy telling them, its brilliant!!!!

First time around we told both sets of parents and my granddad as well as a handful of friends over here. But about 7hrs after my BFP we miscarried so second time around we just told some close friends here.

This time around we are being more liberal with who we tell at this end (friends-wise) but my family's reactions were just so lukewarm that I don't want to go through all that again until I'm sure this bean is sticking around.

I look at it this way: whoever you tell doesn't change your baby. Second time we were very superstitious and didn't want to jinx it but tbh I know it's not going to be jinxed. If the worst happens, it's not because we told too many people. It is nice to have a few close friends to share your secret with :D

I'm going to be the designated driver for a loooooong time now :lol:
We told our parents at 10wks when we saw them at Xmas. I was going to wait until 12 weeks but it was going to be hard to hide morning sickness etc so we told them. Everyone was thrilled and very supportive.

I told my 3 closest friends last week cos I couldn't wait any longer - again they were lovely.

Everyone else is being told this afternoon after my dating scan.

If I ever get pregnant again, I think I'd tell my close friends and family straight away as I found it really hard not having anyone to talk to about everything. Especially when I had a miscarriage scar at 7wks. If I'd have miscarried I'd have told them all anyway so I don't think it matters when you tell people.
Yay- good luck telling people!

I told people just before Christmas, which is when I found out I was pregnant. I was 7 weeks gone by then, but hadn't intially realised I was pregnant until I nearly vomited down the meat aisle of Sainsbury's! I was rubbish at waiting.

I was going to wait until my scan before I told work colleagues- bar one, as we had been trying together pregnant so wanted to let her know. But then the morning I was in one of my colleagues immediately said 'you are pregnant' apparently not drinking a cup of tea in the morning was sign enough lol.
im telling my mum to night and im sooo scared she will react badly we dnt have a close relationship we'v never been able to even talk about periods to each other. i dnt no y im panicing im almost 22 been in a stable realtionship been living with my oh for 2 years and at xmas we got engaged y am i fretting so much lol how did u tell you mums xx
the reason why i decided to tell my parents is that they were planning to go on holiday for a month at the beginning of october which could be just as the baby is being born so wanted to tell them before they booked it!

my dad cried,my mum cried and said she would buy me the pram. my sister cried and my other sister cried then said " can i have your clothes when you get too fat for them?" :roll:

i am really happy i told them! my mum works at marks and spencers and gets cheap clothes so will buy loads of stuff!! :dance:
trudie I am not close to my mum but i found telling my dad the hardest thing ever. I was immediately taken back to a nervous 16 year old lol

he didn't react badly, he just didn't react. I don't know what I expected really but I got an email through from my stepmum that night saying how pleased they were. They have never liked my husband and even after 7 years together (2 years of marriage) they can't get over it. I am tempted this time to say 'sod it'. and let them find out they have a grandchild when they come to visit us and find we have a baby :lol:

I don't envy you telling your mum but I will be in your boat in a few weeks time. Just get it over with as quickly as possible and remember - it doesn't matter what anyone else in the entire world thinks - you and your fiance will love this baby and are excited to be having it. That's all that's important.

:hug: to everyone who has difficult relatives/friends to tell

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