Hi girls
Can any of you help me out?
My in-laws are arriving for a 2 week holiday from Australia tomorrow and we have organised a surprise party for them on Saturday.
All of our family and friends will be there and they are going to be suspicious when I am not drinking as they knew we were TTC. I wont get away with the antibiotics/painkiller excuse because I used that last time I was pregnant (MC) and they put 2 and 2 together then.
I only ever drink lager so I cant pretend Im drinking vodka and coke or anything like that!!!
I just know if people ask I wont be able to lie to their faces
Can any of you help me out?
My in-laws are arriving for a 2 week holiday from Australia tomorrow and we have organised a surprise party for them on Saturday.
All of our family and friends will be there and they are going to be suspicious when I am not drinking as they knew we were TTC. I wont get away with the antibiotics/painkiller excuse because I used that last time I was pregnant (MC) and they put 2 and 2 together then.
I only ever drink lager so I cant pretend Im drinking vodka and coke or anything like that!!!
I just know if people ask I wont be able to lie to their faces

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