Tell the Truth Game

Once or twice :wink:

Have you ever 'touched' your OH's bum?
no :(

Have you ever fancied someone really ugly just because they make you laugh?
yes - loads :D

have you ever slept with anyone for any reason other than fancying them (e.g money, guilt etc)
urgh no :? now in public...that's another story or 2 or 3... :wink:

have you ever eaten something you knew was out of date?
yup - although not by far, only like a day or so.....unless you count chocolate which I have eaten when it was WAY out of date - but....needs must and all that! :lol:

have you ever been sick in a restaurant?
yes! I was quite drunk on my birthday once :oops:

have you ever purposely jumped a queue?

Have you ever given a guy a fake phone number.
no (cant think quick enough for that kind of thing!)

Have you ever had sex in someone elses bed (i.e. other than yours or the person you are doing it with)
yes - is there anyone who hasn't :think:

have you ever gone to work still drunk?
Ewwww, no!

Have you ever sat in the toilet cubical at work waiting for everyone else to leave so you can get on with a nice big fat poo?
Nope... sounds fun though :think: :rotfl:

Have you ever told an elaborate lie just because you were too ashamed to admit you made a mistake?

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