Tell the Truth Game

I wanted to have phone sex with my man as he was away.
But he waa so tired that after a few pic texts he did not answer my next.
Leaving my annoyed and frustrated
I found out the next day he had gone to sleep :shakehead: :x

Have you ever had multiple orgasams?
yes but only with my rabbit, not a man

did u snog ur best friend a school, a same sex best friend
OHHHH Another Northerner :dance: :dance:
Im from Northumberland too :D
where abouts in Norhtumberland our you from?
I was just saying to one of the other girls on site From Co Durham we should start a club up there is a growning gang of us on site from Da North :dance:
chezzabell said:
yes but only with my rabbit, not a man

did u snog ur best friend a school, a same sex best friend

no - not my best friend at school :wink:

did you ever complain about food in a restaurant that was fine - just to get money off
no..... poor chef!

Have you ever decided after you have drunk half of your drink on a night out that it tastes funny and ask for a free replacement.
Yes!!! I was in oz, actually on my last night of a 8 month stay! The beer tasted funny..............drank half and asked for a replacement. Got one, but got called 'pommeys' all night after!! :rotfl:

Have you ever placed a bet in a betting shop?
Yes. Caught a fish deep sea fishing, gutted and portioned.

Have you ever kissed someone from another country?
hahaha yes its all i ever do :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
i love zee foriegners(sp)

have u ever..... wet yourself ( not when pregnant) in the last 2 years lool
er no.......but I pooed the bed twice in one night a few weeks ago when I had norovirus! :oops: :oops: :rotfl: :rotfl:
er - I've seen Robbie Williams and Stephen Hawkins. Didnt meet them though. does that count?

Have you ever danced infront of a mirror.....alone?
Yes :oops: but not recently!!

Have you ever lied about your salary? (told someone you earned more than you actually do?)

have you ever lied at a job interview?
Of course....I work for Nuns :wink:

Does your partner give you the best sex you've ever had?
Yes because it made with Love
I love making love with my James
im off it at the mo
But i cant wait to get back down to it when my pregnancy is over.

Have you ever been so despreate for the loo you peed outdoors.
Yes, when I was 14 my grandad made me laugh so much and I was desperate for the loo but we were about 20 minutes from home!

Have you ever nicked a traffic cone/street sign etc...?

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