Tell the Truth Game

Yes but only when i was pregnant :lol:

Have you ever lied to a friend about not wanting to do something but still done it alone or with someone else?
I said i wasnt going out one night when my friend wanted to go out.
But i got a invitation from a very fit bloke (before James and me)
So went out
My friend entered the pub with some other mates saw me and would not talk to me for days. :(
I wasnt gonna go out honest, but i really liked this man :oops:

Have you ever pulled a sicky and then spent the day being compleatly not sick (ie shopping)

have you ever blamed pregnancy or ttc as an excuse for doing something embarrasing
No.. not really I'm afraid.. I used it (rightly) to get out of doing some stuff at work, and I used it to get a seat on the train sometimes by saying I still had a kidney infection (I did have a kidney infection, but according to the train staff I suffered with it a lot more than I really did... haha).

Have you ever been caught getting rood in public (or anywhere) :rotfl:
Yes :oops: But not saying where, when or how.. Not part of the game :wink:

Have you ever put your own breast milk in the tea of someone as a prank... ??? (I have and I'm looking forward to doing it again. :wink: )
Have you ever put your own breast milk in the tea of someone as a prank... ??? (I have and I'm looking forward to doing it again. )

nope but i may try it this time

Have you ever stolen a car or taken one without the owners consent?

Have you ever sung the theme to a kids TV program when you're alone in the house. :oops:
Urchin said:

Have you ever sung the theme to a kids TV program when you're alone in the house. :oops:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: er yes....

have you ever used your kids as an excuse to go see a film at the cinema that really you wanted to see, but felt too embarrassed to go on your own because its a kids film.. ???
No i dont need to i couldnt give a crap who sees me going to watch a kids film!

Have you ever let someone else take the blame for something you have done wrong? (as an adult)

Have you ever farted and blamed it on your LO?? :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

have you ever gone shopping without knickers on?
NO!! I wouldnt go anywhere without knickers on :wink:

Have you ever wet yourself laughing?
No... I have great pelvic floor muscles.. ;)

Have you ever succeeded in licking your elbow? (go on try it.. :) my little girl can :moon: )
I can't :wall: :wall:

Have you ever exaggerated an illness to get your oh to pander to you a bit??
emma28 said:
Have you ever exaggerated an illness to get your oh to pander to you a bit??

Maybe a little :oops:

Have you ever had an argument with someone on the forum?
More of a heated debate I would say!!!!

Has anyone ever snogged / dated their school teacher? (when they were still at school)
No :( Used to write one poems though :rotfl: )

Have you ever done a huge poo in someones house (in the toilet though :lol:) and it not flushed away and you've had to either use 'something' to break it up a bit, or some other ingenious but disgusting method??

What? Is that not a nice question?? :lol: :lol:
what no one dares to answer :wink:

yes :oops:

have you ever took naked pics on your mobile?

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