Teething Thread

I'm in abit of shock :shock: as just come back from Baby Clinic and they have confirmed that Calum has 2 teeth already. I thought it could be, but to have them confirm its abit shocking. She did say they might sit there for a while though!
His corrected age is only 3 days old :rotfl:
Wow thats early Jollypops!

DD has been a little better today but ive given in and had to give her Carpol for the past two days as she just wont stop crying. I really dont know what to with her the teething powders only last for an hour and bongella does not seem to help. :wall: she will not be content playing by herself so i just have to carry her all the time.

How are the other babies doing?
Since writing yesterday that dd has been a bit better it went downhill she screamed for 2-3 hours solid yesterday evening i couldnt do anything with her, i tried everything to calm her down but nothing working in the end she was so tired she just gave up. I was expecting to wake up this morning to see it had popped through but nothing. Its so hard seeing her in so much pain and not being able to help her. :cry:
Still no teeth here, just a grumpy baby who doesn't want to be put down, can't drink a bottle without screaming and needing calgel, and is very difficult to soothe :wall:
Hi can I join too? Emms suddenly got horrendous nappy rash last week like never before which puzzled me but then at the weekend she went from sleeping through the night to waking up throughout the night. After that I could see a tooth at the top of the gum trying to come out. So far it hasnt broken through and I think I can see a 2nd one coming too (bottom).

The last 2 nights she has gone back to sleeping through the night and has been ok. Can teething start and then slow down again?
Just seen this thread :D

The last few days have been a nightmare but I found Charlie's first tooth yesterday :cheer: He is still fussing loads, not taking bottles or food properly, not napping well etc, so there must be another ready to come soon. My back is breaking through walking up and down with him while he bites chunks out of my shoulder :roll:
After i thought he was never going to have them finally at 8 months and a week we have the first tooth!!! the bottom left has finally appeared!! :dance: :dance: :clap: :clap: :cheer: :cheer: Ive got to be honest he was pretty well behaved with it to! fingers crossed with the rest!! :pray:
Jessie has started teething and it's driving me crackers, bless her! It started nice enough a few days ago, lots of dribbling and hand chewing but no discomfort so I wasn't sure if it was teething or not, but last night it started getting dreadful! It was really stopping her sleeping and has been all day. Can feel 2 teeth at the bottom now. OH and I took it in turns to soothe her last night so the other one could get some sleep and we still only got about 3 hours each! We went out and bought various teethers today but she's not taken to any, she's never had a dummy and finds it more fun to spit out the tommy tippee dummy type teethers, the others she seems to not take to at all! Her favourite thing to chew on is my finger! She also likes some crushed ice wrapped in a cloth. Hoping for a better nights sleep tonight! She must be shattered!
Emma58 said:
drea b said:
sarah2807 said:
oh can i join?? :cheer:
violet started teething about 3 weeks ago i could see the tooth when she was 11 weeks and now at 12 weeks it's totally through!! :shock: no grumbling yet just lots of dribbling and hand chewing!! She is too young to hold teething toys to her mouth though. awwwwww. :D

does she take a dummy? you can get tommee tippee teething things for little ones that is kinda like a dummy but with bits for them to chew. You can put them in the fridge to cool them down. Pretty sure they sell them in Tesco.

My mum bought them for Kaira but due to her point blank refusal to entertain anything that remotely resembles a dummy they get screamed at before getting thrown on the floor :wall:

I bought the Tommee Tippee dummies for teething and Sam will not take them because they cover the whole of the gums they make him sick :(

i have them for ryan but he hates them!! he cant keep them in his mouth and he just spits it out
littlepip said:
Emma58 said:
drea b said:
sarah2807 said:
oh can i join?? :cheer:
violet started teething about 3 weeks ago i could see the tooth when she was 11 weeks and now at 12 weeks it's totally through!! :shock: no grumbling yet just lots of dribbling and hand chewing!! She is too young to hold teething toys to her mouth though. awwwwww. :D

does she take a dummy? you can get tommee tippee teething things for little ones that is kinda like a dummy but with bits for them to chew. You can put them in the fridge to cool them down. Pretty sure they sell them in Tesco.

My mum bought them for Kaira but due to her point blank refusal to entertain anything that remotely resembles a dummy they get screamed at before getting thrown on the floor :wall:

I bought the Tommee Tippee dummies for teething and Sam will not take them because they cover the whole of the gums they make him sick :(

i have them for ryan but he hates them!! he cant keep them in his mouth and he just spits it out

Ditto Colliers got one but you have to hold it in her cnat do it on his own
Ive been using a teeting necklace for a few days now no bloody use :wall:

Last week he started waking aigna for a feed and he had stopped doing this then it went up to a extra feed he had never had and a few dayd ago he started waking up nearly evey hour
GRRRRRRRRRRR :twisted: I think its comfort feeding to be honest and he soemtimes just wants hug bless him :hug:
Bit oh the lack of sleep and the fact he cried so much through the day is driving me potty
Its better when James is home we take it in turns to look after him (mind its my job at night :roll: )
And if i go out and about hes better but if we stay in whoooooooooo hes LOAD :o
violet has her two bottom teeth fuly through now but the dribbling is getting worse...could more be coming or do lo's dribble anyway...she's constantly soaking wet!!! :shakehead:
Things have settled down for us a bit dd is still dribbling loads but is no where near as grumpy.

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