Any advice for teething


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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Arianna has loads of teeth, all her front and most of her back and has never complained when teething before.
But is missing her canine ones. And I think they are coming through now and she is not her happyself. Her gums keep bleeding a little there so the teeth are obviously cutting.

Any advice.... I've tried the ashton and parsons powders and calgel etc.
If the powders and gels arn't working then it might be worth giving her some pain relief medicine instead (Calpol or Medised etc).
Try Nurofen, my HV recommended it for teething pain. Seems to help Jude, he has suffered a lot with teething pain. xx
Aww poor baby! there the worst teeth and stephen found his very p0ainful as well and teething gels did nothing for him and I had to use medicins such as calpol and neaurofen as well, but maybe give your hv a bell and see what she suggets?
i feel i should be an expert on teething at the moment as luke is cutting 4 top teeth but i am not, every child seems to respond to different things.

i give luke calpol/medised and ibuprofen every 6 hours and apply ambesol teeething gel (which has higher numbing stuff in it then most others) i give him teething rings that i keep in the fridge and lots of cuddles. there is no exact way just have to find what suits her best, good luck, teething is so cruel.

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