

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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Okay, um... I have heard some absolutely horrible stories about vagina tearing to the bum. The idea frightens me SENSELESS. How likely is this to happen? Is it as terrible as it sounds? IS THE VAGINA EVER THE SAME?

:pray: :pray: :pray:
Nah, I should really. ;)

I had a bad tear with Brody, not "All the way" but far enough :lol:
I blame my midwife for letting me push him out in 2 pushes and not telling me to slow down.
I must say the worst thing about it was having to go into theatre for a couple of hours after I had him so I felt I missed bonding time. The recovery was fine after.

I do worry about tearing again though, because I have healed so well I worry that next time the scar tissue will tear and never be the same again.
I think I can opt for a section next time because of my tear and TBH I think I will have one.
I just need to know. I NEED TO KNOW.
Most midwives wil cut you before you tear as its easier to sitich up..
I was cut and had stitches its not so bad as i had had a epiderual so couldn't feel anythin its sore for about 8days after but after that it wil be fine i never had any problems with mine...

Wel apart from not wantin to do a no2 incase i bursted my stitches :oops: :oops:

Sorry for the life story... :hug:
Urchin said:
Nah, I should really. ;)

I had a bad tear with Brody, not "All the way" but far enough :lol:
I blame my midwife for letting me push him out in 2 pushes and not telling me to slow down.
I must say the worst thing about it was having to go into theatre for a couple of hours after I had him so I felt I missed bonding time. The recovery was fine after.

I do worry about tearing again though, because I have healed so well I worry that next time the scar tissue will tear and never be the same again.
I think I can opt for a section next time because of my tear and TBH I think I will have one.

Well... wow. Was it incredibly painful? If you hadn't pushed so fast, is there a less chance of tearing? I really understand very little of what causes tearing, other than maybe a huge baby head. :shock:
Nic'n'Keeley said:
Most midwives wil cut you before you tear as its easier to sitich up..
I was cut and had stitches its not so bad as i had had a epiderual so couldn't feel anythin its sore for about 8days after but after that it wil be fine i never had any problems with mine...

Wel apart from not wantin to do a no2 incase i bursted my stitches :oops: :oops:

Sorry for the life story... :hug:

Okay, thanks for the honesty... but now I am even more scared, haha.
Ah well, the baby will DEFINATELY be worth it.
Painful when it happened? No, I didn't notice it at all, after was fine, I don't remember having any probs with it at all, I has a episiotomy with Mason (the cut) and TBH I had more problems with that.

Tearing can be cause by pushing them out too quickly, not giving your skin enough time to stretch. When you see labor videos and the MW is telling the mom to pant, thats to slow her down to try to prevent a tear.

Many ladies do perennial massage (rub the skin between your bum and your bits with almond oil or similar) regularly in the last few weeks to stretch it ready for birth.
Thanks so much for the info! I'll keep all of this in mind. For some odd reason, I didn't even think of tearing until I saw a post about it earlier, and it got me wondering. It seems quite common, so I'm surprised at myself.

Really good to know. I really doubt, in the heat of labor, you'd pay so close attention to such a thing anyways.
Yeah you may worry about it first but at the time you may not even think about it.
You could put your fears in the birth plan and make sure you MW know you want to push very slowly or will opt for a cut.

Lots of women don't tear, some graze which can be more painful I think although I'm not sure. There are varying degrees of tear 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th (which is the bum one!)
Thanks, I'm definately going to do that. This info has really calmed my fears a bit, actually. I have a VERY active imagination, so once I'm left on my own to imagine without the facts, I just go wild, haha.

Off topic, but you have beautiful children.
yeh put in your birth plan and mention it to mw when you go into hospital that your would like guidance with pushing and stretching to prevent tearing. i did this last time as was really worried and they told me when she was crowning to pant and breath and stop pushin so i could stretch without tearing and it worked so going make sure they giv me guidance this time too.

There's always perineal massage, but it's not a cert to stop a tear, and its sometimes better to tear as its more likely to heal better as its torn in the right place and for the right length, whereas with a cut its artificial and so doens't always heal as well. The MW's here prefer not to cut you for that reason and like others have said, during birth you woun't be too focussed on that but add it to your birth plan as suggested :hug: I was cut and healed just fine within a couple of weeks, it was the post birth poo that was the nightmare, and then the second post birth poo :|
I had a third degree tear AND an episiotomy when I had Evie, and I had been doing perennial massage for a few weeks before she was born because like you I was terrified of tearing.

All I can say is :shock: :shock:

To be honest, I don't remember it happening at all, theres no great tearing sound or sudden pain (labour takes care of the pain side of things anyway!) I didn't know I'd torn until the midwife told me after I had given birth. OH said he was aware something had happened as I was pushing as there was a sudden rush of fresh blood. Like Urchin, the worst thing for me was being wheeled off to theatre for 2hours and leaving babs with my OH, they looked so lost.

The few weeks after were pretty bad, healing took ages and it wasn't the prettiest thing ever but I got my little girl and to be honest within 48hours I was saying that it wasn't too bad and I'd do it all again for the next one!!
i was told when to push and when to stop and what not and i still tore inside and outside :shakehead: :shakehead:
I must say i seem to remember the sitches hurting alot (maybe the guy was just rough.)
Oh and the poo after i thought they were going to burst - i was supposed to be taking 3 iron tablets a day but my mw told me not to take them untill i had been a couple of times :roll:
I was cut and I tore internally. But they were a little rough and quick to get him out as he was prem and his heartbeat had started to drop again. I didn't feel either of them. Afterwards the cut and stitches were a little sensitive but not agonisingly painful, just had to be careful when sitting down :wink:

The tear had also torn me anally a little - and that was a bigger problem for a few months, had to have checkups etc. It was painful when I went to the loo, but drinking gallons of water and a few suppositries (sp?) took care of that. :D
The bottom line is, it's nothing too traumatizing, and not something deadly.
Thank you guys so much for the responses. :oops:
CB23 said:

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Honestly, to tear or not to tear is nothing you can predict so think positively and know that it will be OK :)

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