AAAAw shandy.. hhmmmm... now that would be nice!!
Glad you had a lovely time away.. pity you came back to this dreadful weather we are now having... I had to put my central heating back on yesterday I was so cold!!!
Yeah I read about your feet [couldn't see the pics though

] what does your midwife say about that? Not that I am belittling your pain but I wish I had an excuse to wear flip flops or get my berkenstocks out again as they are so comfy but my boss would probably freak as I am scruffy enough most days as it is!!!
I am OK thanks for asking although not so sure about LO after my scan last week showed very low abdominal fluid so I am back again tomorrow to be re-scanned and if still low then not sure what... it means her growth has slowed down quite drastically - instead of measuring big for dates she is now measuring very small so it seems something is amiss. Also I have had yet another UTI [4th one!] so my consultant wants me to take antibiotics for rest of pregnancy to keep any further UTI's at bay.. not sure if there is a connection between these UTI's and the amniotic fluid problems but as I have a kidney condition it could be linked so they are monitoring me.
Of course I am totally down about it all.. just when I was feeling really good, healthy and happy about how this pregnancy was progressing this happens but I know i have to just trus the experts and knowing they are looking out for me does reassure me but I will hopefully know a bit more tomorrow.
So... other than that I am only working 4 day weeks now upon doc's advice and will start my mat leave around 14 July all being well so not long now before I can really put my feet up.