TAMPONS & CONCIEVING something to think about


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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Is it possible to ovulate during your period? I always found it hard to get pregnant. and when i finally did i feel like i may have ov during my period. I am just exploring some things for when i want to get pregnant again. My girlfreind Jessica, She got pregnant after one try. She actually lost a tampon inside of her , she said she noticed a smell and after like five days went to the doctor because she felt soemthign was wrong. mind you she had been having sex this whole time also. She had to get teh doctor to remove the tampon. but then two weeks later she found she was pregnant. Could this have helped her concieve? she felt like since it kept the sperm up there it helped her. I know it is gross i was just wondering. cause i thought you could get sick from that happening. Now her daughter is a healthy 10 month old. Hope i get some replies cause i sure am curious.
My friend got pregnant on her first try and used a tampon to keep the sperm up there and stop it leaking back out whilst she slept. She swears blind that it worked for her so maybe? Don't know about ovulating on your period though? Suppose anything is possible, but probably very rare.
I just thought that a tampon would absorb the sperm. hmmm, I am not sure that i could use a tampon when i wasn't on my period. With my son i didn't have sex or use a tampon for 6 months after, LOL. I am afraid of doing any damage. oh well i won't be trying for a while anyways so no big deal was just curious,
It was only my last period a couple of weeks ago that I got brave enough to use tampons again! I don't think I would use one when not on my period but I guess what works for some doesn't for others.
I suppose it could absorb the sperm yes, not really thought about it :think:
i wonder if any one else has ever tried this or if they have ever heard of this method. Also, do you know if you ar emore likely to concieve when just coming off b/c or when you havn't been on it for a while. It seems with my son i was still on b/c and missed a pill or two LOL with my daughter i hadn't taken anythign for four years and a hella time concieving.
I may be wrong, but I thought that you weren't meant to use tampons unless you were on your period, as there was not enough fluid and so they would leave fibres inside you, thus increasing the risk of TSS, etc.
that is what i thought tooo. which was why i was concerned. But i guess if you have sperm inside of you it isn't exactly dry. LOL i don't think that will be the route i go when i decide to try for the next one.
What are the spymtoms of TSS? I thought that was very un heard of nowadays.
not sure what the symptoms of TSS are but my best mates auntie died from it about 10 years ago, it was scary at the time as i was just starting to use tampons and it put me off for ages
It IS possible to ovulate whilst on your period but very rare.

I teach sex awareness to teenagers and because it can take years for their cycles to settle down they are more likely to concieve anytime during the month than older women.

Saying that, if your cycle is a little unpredictable I've no doubts it can happen at any age.

Not sure about the tampon thing though, it's just a bit uncomfortable when it's drier up there :shock:

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