Get pregnant 3 weeks after period?


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2008
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Is it possible to get pregnant 3 weeks after the first day of your period? My friend says she doesn't believe in trying on your fertile days, because she was avoiding sex around her fertile days. She got her period at the beginning of one month, finished on the 6th and didn't see her boyfriend till the 20th when she concieved. I didn't think it was possible to get pregnant that late after your period? Unless she had a really long cycle, but I don't think she did. And if she ovulated late on in her cycle, how would the egg have implanted?
i got pregnant a couple of days before my period with both my children
this is something that has confused me too, any contraception adverts or campaigns say you can get pregnant at any time of the month, whereas specialist fertility books say you can only get pregnant when ovulating.

personally i think you can get pregnant at any time but its more likely when you're at your most fertile....i think :think:
mary70 said:
i got pregnant a couple of days before my period with both my children

How long were your cycles?
I asked My friend about this last night as she has 2 kids, she said she had her normal period on her usual 28 day cycle, got to the next AF due day, and it never turned up, did a hpt and got a bfp, when she went for dating scans it turned out she concieved pretty much on the last day of her AF,
with her first born she fell during her AF (or so she claims!)
Can anyone work this out?:

My friend had a period at the beginning of July, she didn't see her boyfriend till July 20th, they had sex a few days after that and she found out she was pregnant in August. She gave birth on May 31st the next year. That would have been a 48 week pregnancy instaead of a 40 week pregnancy! Is that possible? Could the doctors have got her dates wrong? How did she find out she was pregnant in the August, though? And she was definitely showing by the November.
Remember though on occasions a women can ovulate twice in one cycle - which would make sense of the above situations!

Lets face it - surely its impossible to get pregnant unless there is an egg to fertilise, and ovulation means releasing of the egg!!

So maybe your friend ovulated twice that month, and she didnt realise?
My friend got fell pregnant a week before AF, she remembered as it was the evening of her 1st childs first birthday xx

Also sperm can live upto a week inside after ejaculation!!
It still doesn't make sense though. Even if she ovulated again the day before her next period at the end of July and got pregnant then, it would still have been a 44 week pregnancy from when she conceived, instead of 38 weeks.

For her to give birth at the end of May, she would have had to conceive about a week into September. But she already found out she was pregnant in August. :?
Is a pregnancy 38 weeks from ovulation and 40 weeks from the first day of your last period?

She must have conceived at the end of July to find out she was pregnant at the beginning of August. So why didn't they induce her at 42 weeks?

This is giving me brain ache, lol.
Labour usually happens naturally between 37 and 42 weeks, but I was under the impression that they only induce it if the baby appears to be in distress? She seems to have given birth around 44 weeks, and if the baby wasn't showing any signs of problems, I guess that's why they didn't induce her?

Overdue births are very common - four out of five, apparently.
But if she got pregnant at the end of July, that would have been 48 weeks from the first day of her last period. It would have been 44 weeks from when she ovulated, but I thought it was meant to be 38 weeks from when you ovulated? So that means it would have been born 6 weeks late.
From what I've read, it's not an exact science though, and 'normal' is anything from 37 to 42 weeks from conception to birth. Your friend does seem to have had a long one though - is it possible she got her initial dates mixed up? Is she certain she found out in August? I can't even remember what I was doing this August, let alone August last year!!
She must have conceived around August 11th and found out at the end of August. I'll ask her tomorrow and say how the hell did you manage to have a 45 week pregnancy? :rotfl:

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