Talking and behaviour


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2005
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I went to toddler group yesterday and we went through a questionaire of things Kai should be doing at 2. The only grey areas were talking and being with other children.

So, a speech therapist will be coming along in a few weeks and just observing him and we will take things from there.

I think the him not talking well is linked to his behaviour and hopefully everything will improve.

He only has these words:
Bah-Bah (bye bye)

Maybe a few more but he is quite a bit behind, hopefully there will be improvement soon.

For example it isn't his hearing as I just him to show me things and he has no problems.
I have found with Isaac that the last 2 weeks or so he has changed a great deal and has started being 'parrot' like. I don't know how else to describe it :lol: He will literally copy any word you say to him. He doesn't then go on to keep saying the word but he can repeat it after us. He does have quite a good vocabulary though. He has lots of word and picture books which I think have helped. There are kids at his playgroup who are younger and talk more than him and there are kids older who talk less then him. I think girls tend to be quicker at most things than boys as a rule.

I hope everything is ok and its just a case of him doing things in his own time :)
The way I see it is that it doesn't hurt doing this.

But I 100% firmly believe that his behaviour isn't good with other kids because he is limited in talking.

I do find things very stressful when he is around other kids as I just don't know what he is going to do and once he can communicate things will get better.

I notice an improvement every week, but they aren't in line with how he shouldis progressing. I know he is fine but I think maybe speeding it along will help with the behaviour.

If it wasn't for the behaviour I would wait a little longer.
I always thought Isaac would be easier once he can communicate and at times he is but when he is playing up and being naughty he can now tell me 'no' and 'go away mummy' :roll:

Last week at playgroup I had to bring him home because he was being very naughty and scratching the other children and generally being a little you know what. I'm not looking forward to playgroup again this week but taking him away from other kids completely I know isn't the answer. But if he does start being naughty I'll bring him home again if he won't behave :(

Kids copy eachother so much so playgroup is good for their speech and all aspects of development. Isaac has lunch at playgroup sometimes and he eats so nicely with the other kids.

Anyway, I hope you get all sorted :wink:
Brody has recently turned into a parrot too, it's really funny :D
Urchin, I've just noticed Brody's age on your sig. Him and Isaac were born really close, when's his birthday exactly? :D Isaac's is dec 13th.
lou, read my topic 'just feel terrible' in the members only section and you will see how I feel about things.

Yesterday we were at toddler group yesterday for 3 hours and Kai managed to pull someone's hair.

Today we were at a play centre for 3 and a half hours and luckily didn't have too many incidents. Although he wasn't nice to a 5 year old. He always seems to pick on older kids lol

He was imitating some kids they were saying 'go, go, go' and he kept doing it.

When he has been really bad I take him home because I see that as an effective punishment for him, I do think he realises it at least. I try and get to a play area at least 3 times a week, but it is tough as my nerves are on edge so much wondering what he will do next :doh:
when my DD just turned 2, those were pretty much the only words she said too, its only since xmas shes been talking a bit more.

were still waiting for her 2 year check up with HV :?
lou said:
Urchin, I've just noticed Brody's age on your sig. Him and Isaac were born really close, when's his birthday exactly? :D Isaac's is dec 13th.

The 8th :)

Babsi, sorry this is geting you down. Behaviour wise... as long as you do what you can and follow up on any threats eg taking him home, removing a toy etc. that's the best you can do, I woulnd't worry about it.
As a parent who's child has been on the receiving end of bad behaviour from others, as long as I see the mum dealing with it I don't mind as she's doing her best. It's the mums who ignore it who pee me off!!

Brody is also probably behind talking wise, but I ignore looking at "what he should be doing" and just read to him and talk to him whenever I can. He's recently come on loads. He's not interested in naming colours or anything like that, but lots of his friends can... Brody just prefers to run around and climb on stuff....totally different to how Mason was, and different to his friends, but I like that :)
Maybe I'm more relaxed cos I have Mason and I know that by the time they hit 4 they are all the same anyway, all know colours and all chatting away.... so there's no point worrying about it.
Ok babsi I'll read that thread :D

What has amazed me with Isaac is the amount of information he has taken in and remembered before he could talk which he is now saying and refering to. He has a big book of words and pictures I bought from ebay ages ago for 99p. We have read it to him and told him the words for months and the other day he picked up he book and brough it to me and told me what all the shapes were called! He even said oval!!! It just goes to show that they really are like little sponges and even though they can't talk they are taking it all in. Isaac's book also has numbers and colours and the alphabet and Isaac knows all of them, including the whole alphabet. I know some 5 year olds who don't know their alphabet!

I expect some people don't 'teach' them things before they can speak because they think they aren't learning but thats so wrong as Isaac proves!
Babsi I just read that thread :hug: now you go and read mine in off topic saying I'm stresssssssed!!!!!

We are pretty much in the same boat hun :hug: and trust me I don't think speech has anything to do with it tbh. I know what you mean about the frustration but even now Isaac can say quite alot he is still a naughty bugger sometimes!!!! :roll:

And as for that woman :x take no notice, the miserable cow. You don't know what went on under that slide and to be fair if it were me I wouldn't punish Isaac for something I didn't see him do and couldn't be 100% sure about. Theres always 2 sides to a story and for all you know that little girl might have pulled his hair first and he was retaliating. If anything its the drop in's fault for having places where kids can hide away from adults. They need to be supervised all the times, especially at our LO's age's. But unfortunately from time to time things happen and they hurt eachother, thats part of them growing up and learning social skills and boundries.

I agree that the speech therapy certainly won't cause any harm but I wouldn't have high hopes that he will be an angel once he can speak :lol: I think we have typical assertive, naughty, confident, full of beans little boys!!!! :hug:

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