Taking deep breaths!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2010
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Hi all!

I am 10 days past OV and couldn't wait any longer so thought I do a cheapy test . To my complete surprise a very very very pale line came up and I tested in the afternoon at 3pm!!!!!! Not sure about the 5 min timing though as didn't really keep watch!!!! It could also a evap line but you never know it could be the real thing!

Am going to test again tomorrow first thing in the morning to see if I am seeing things or not!!!!!

Please cross you fingers for me girls!!!

Ooooh fx 4 u Hun sending u lots of :dust: xxx
oooooooh wow!!!! Ev thing X for u hun xxx
Oooo how exciting hun!Keep mi fingers crossed for you xxx
Ooooh, that sounds like good news! Hopefully your test will confirm your BFP tomorrow!
I keep looking at the line in disbelief!!! Trying to not get excited YET!!! Don't know how I'm going to wait till tomorrow?? How am I going to sleep????

Think I've got a late night anyway! Have a ton of school reports to write tonight so am hoping they keep my mind off it and be so tired I fall to sleep like a log! xxxx
I am really excited for you, cant wait for you to retest tomorrow!i really dont know how you are going to wait :D xxx
Oh I hope so much you get your BFP in the morning!
omg thats great news fingers crossed for the morning
Have you tested this morning, any news ? x x x x
any news today cant wait to hear...sending you lots of love..xxx
Oh how exciting, hope you get your BFP confirmation today
hope your sitting at home with a very big BFP in your hands hun!

good luck xx
Hi there girls!!!

Sorry I haven't been on earlier, my internet has been down at home!!!! Have just got it sorted!!

Well I tested this morning and again got a very very very faint line!!!!! I have also tested since I got home from work and this time I got a very very faint line!!!! Not sure what to think as it should be stronger in the morning!!! The tests are cheapy ones so hoping they are not false results!!! Am away with 48 primary school kids from tomorrow till monday on PGL so not sure whether I'll be able to get back on-line till Monday!!

Really really hope it is a BFP as we had a miscarriager at 7 weeks 2 months ago! This is our first month of trying again and we would be overjoyed if it happened this month!!!

Keep your fingers crossed for me girls!!! I'll try and get on again tomorrow or over the weekend to let you know if I get a 'proper' line!!!

Thanks for all you kind words! You are all amazing!!!! xxxx
oh good lucks debs will wait and keep my fingers x for youuuuuuuuuu xx
Fingers crossed this is it for you hun xxx
Everything crossed for you! Good luck, 48 kids should keep your mind off it for a bit!!

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