Any experienced poas-ers?


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2006
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Hiya :wave:

I am TTC after a mc in January. I have a 26 day cycle and tested today (cd22) (very early I know!) with a clearblue test, the one that shows a cross if you are pg. Anyway, I thought I could see the faintest of lines so I pulled it apart and sure enough there did appear to be something there. However I didnt pull it apart till after the 10 minute window. Also, when I have gone back to it (2 hrs later) the line is now clearly visible.

The question I have got is, is this a bfp then or evap line? Does anyone know how common evaps are on clearblue?
clearblue as far as i know are the same as any tests..
they can all get evaps, but if you saw the line anyway within or around 10minutes i'd say BFP..

Dont want to get your hopes up but fingers crossed... :pray:

Can you post a pic? xx
i dont know much about evaps but the line you have sounds like it could just be a very early faint positive.
good luck
Unfortunately I am crap with technology so I am not sure how to post a pic. The thing that is making me think its probably not a false positive is that I have tested before with other brands and any negative I have had has stayed negative. If you know what I mean. Well I really hope I am! :D
i can pm you with my mobile number if you want me to post it
sorry for the wait :oops: here are jens pics

ooohhh congrats!!..i see the cross and i am BLIND when it comes to looking at these things.
i can see it as well it hits you right away when you scroll down the page :dance:
Cool, I am glad I am not imagining things! I hope I have a bit more luck with this one then. Sorry I sent you the pic twice, that was an accident. I have also just dropped my mobile phone in the bath. Bloody hell. :x
Def looks like a BFP to me...

do another test in morning :hug:

Fingers and toes crossed it gets darker for you xx
Just a quick update - Well I cant believe it, I did a digi with fmu and it says 'not pregnant'. After getting my hopes up! I am a bit gutted cos I really thought I was. :(
:hug: oh hun im sorry, but if your af hasnt come yet, theres still hope, sounds like we are in the same position, im 1 day late now and test said bfn this morning, a tesco test.
I clearly see the line there hun!!!! Im not sure of the digi's are as sensative as the nomal ones but test again in a couple of days!!! All the best hun :hug: :pray:

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