I am TTC after a mc in January. I have a 26 day cycle and tested today (cd22) (very early I know!) with a clearblue test, the one that shows a cross if you are pg. Anyway, I thought I could see the faintest of lines so I pulled it apart and sure enough there did appear to be something there. However I didnt pull it apart till after the 10 minute window. Also, when I have gone back to it (2 hrs later) the line is now clearly visible.
The question I have got is, is this a bfp then or evap line? Does anyone know how common evaps are on clearblue?

I am TTC after a mc in January. I have a 26 day cycle and tested today (cd22) (very early I know!) with a clearblue test, the one that shows a cross if you are pg. Anyway, I thought I could see the faintest of lines so I pulled it apart and sure enough there did appear to be something there. However I didnt pull it apart till after the 10 minute window. Also, when I have gone back to it (2 hrs later) the line is now clearly visible.
The question I have got is, is this a bfp then or evap line? Does anyone know how common evaps are on clearblue?