Taking a very young baby abroad?


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2006
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I think I may be mad for even considering this! :doh:

We haven't had a 'proper' holiday for about 3 years as what with buying our first house (with all the added stresses of our first property fallling through and almost being homeless) then having to spend lots on the house to fix things that our rather expensive survey didn't spot we haven't had the time or money to really even think about it.

I always said we would make sure we would go away for Neil's birthday as he will be 30 next year. I wasn't anticipating there being 3 of us when I said this on his birthday in March this year though! :dance:

So, we would really like to go on holiday just after Neil's birthday (his birthday is 6th March, baby is due 28th December). Am I mad even contemplating taking baby abroad so young?

Does anyone have any invaluable tips for taking young babies away? We are looking at going to Turkey so it's certainly not going to be hot and only a couple of hours on a plane (and I'm hoping to breastfeed so plan to just feed/comfort her during the course of the flight if we go). Am I being unrealistic in thinking we could do this? :think:
You're not mad at all! Becky was 3 months when we first went away. First thing to think about is a passport which bubs will need. A good tip for takeoff and landing is to feed LO so that the pressure doesn't affect their ears. I was bottlefeeding and that was a bit more complicated because of the rules regarding liquids etc and we had to carry enough formula for the trip.

Packing is a pain in the bum but it will be worth it!
Thank you - you've made me feel so much better. :hug:

I was thinking about the passport earlier - we have her name pretty much decided so as long as it suits her when she arrives we can get her registered and apply for a passport fairly promptly so I think there is enough time.

Where did you go with Becky? You don't sound like you regret it at all which is a very nice sign! :D
i took my 10 week old to spain last year :)
and i even ended up getting the plane home on my own with him and benjamin who was just 3!!!!
We first flew when LO was four weeks - no problems at all. Tbh it's easier with a younger infant as they usually sleep most of the flight.

We've travelled quite a bit ever since. As daftscottslass said try to feed during take off and landing (but don't wake up if they are sleeping). I always have an aisle seat so that I can stand up easily.

Also check with the airline if they allow you to bring your pram to the gate. We once flew with a low cost airline (never again!) and even though their helpline said that we could bring a pram to the gate, we couldn't. Luckily, I had our sling so I could carry LO in that. Tbh, we usually use the buggy to carry our stuff :lol:

Also if you are planning to go to a lounge check if they allow babies.

They usually ask families to board first, but I just usually give them a buggy and then wait until others have got in. I prefer walking around as long as I can before being confined into a small space :D
I havent took a baby personally, but my mum and dad took me on holiday since I was a few weeks old too

They dug a pit under the brolly on the beach so they would walk me round in the shade :lol:
Julie84 said:
Thank you - you've made me feel so much better. :hug:

I was thinking about the passport earlier - we have her name pretty much decided so as long as it suits her when she arrives we can get her registered and apply for a passport fairly promptly so I think there is enough time.

Where did you go with Becky? You don't sound like you regret it at all which is a very nice sign! :D

The only thing that takes time with the passport is getting the picture done :rotfl: So far we've been to Holland (twice to visit OH's family) and Croatia. You'll probably find the airline staff go out of their way to help you - on one of the KLM flights I think the staff would have changed her if I asked!
daftscotslass said:
The only thing that takes time with the passport is getting the picture done :rotfl:

:rotfl: That's so true! Trying to get a newborn facing straight on with their eyes open and a neutral expression with no shadows in the background takes forever - we ended up photoshopping our LO's :shhh:
I think you are all very brave, its something i have never done and will never do.
Cool, nice to hear positive stories, I'm going to France with DH, LO, my friend and her DH weekend before Christmas. Although we're going by eurostar not plane, it's still going to be a fair bit of travelling. I feel a bit better about it now. Although I'm still waiting for his passport :shock: hope it comes soon! :pray: :pray:
We went to Spain when Ella was 7 months and it was fine, I agree that it would have been easier when she was younger as she would have been happy to just be held, rather than wanting to climb all over everything! We flew with Flybe so a low cost airline and they were fantastic, they were so helpful throughout the flight.

If you do end up bottle feeding it is worth knowing that the restrictions on liquid don't apply to baby food. You can take as much as is required for the flight (plus a bit extra in case of delays), you just have to taste it to prove it is formula/water. Although we didn't have to taste it, just drop it on our skin. The security bloke told my DH that his arm would have fallen off if it was anything dodgy! :rotfl:

The only other thing that I would consider/look into is what medical facilities are like in Turkey, because I wouldn't want to go somewhere that the hospitals etc aren't very good just in case you need it.
I have just come back from Turkey and had a brilliant time. The holiday seems to have done Chloe the world of good, she also loved being able to spend two weeks with her daddy. If you have any questions on what is availble for the baby please just ask as I went round every supermarket whilst there as I have two holidays booked to Turkey next year. The Turks love babies so you will be fine taking them out with you. They used to argue over who would push the pram out of the restaurant every night. Go and have a fab time.
just a note on the passport picture, dont worry too much. baby doesn't need their eyes open for the pic. a few other rules are relaxed as well, so have a look on the website, it's no where near as strict as the adult pics have to be

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