Symptom Spotting - you know you want to

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

When I get photoshop

(DH has just ordered it :cheer: ) I will make you a better one
I have to go and get my niece from school in a minute, then have a nintendo wii tournament to keep her, nephew and DS happy as I have them all in my half renovated house. Then I'm making pizza for them (from scratch :? ) then...

I have a night off :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

and I've found a possible new job (stuff maternity pay :wink: )
a training company is setting up locally..and I used to be a trainer - they're advertising even if you don't have experience and I do :D just got ot get brave enough to do a job interview. I always wanted to do that full time so I'm v excited :oops:
OMG - good luck hun - you'll breeze it :D :D

I have to go now - get this house tidy for OH - I've always wanted to get a pony for DD and I think he just agreed - I need to keep him very sweet now!!!!

(Oh my I'm all excited for both of us!!)

Plus, if we do get a ickle pony, it will keep my mind of TTC!!!
well my sister had just decided to get a horse for her and DD(she gave hers up when she had her 6 years ago) within days of deciding - she got a bfp :shock: so good luck :rotfl:

OMG i'm so excited - it will be a tiny pony - only for DD (can't afford one big enough for me too) but I don't care - I'm so damn excited.

You'll get your BFP as soon as you get this new job and I'll get mine as soon as the pony arrives :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

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