Symptom Spotting - you know you want to


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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OK - I'll start :roll:

I have a bit of backache (although that could be because I need a poo... :oops: )

Felt a bit sick last night lying on my front while DH was 'ahem' doing his business as it were ;) ;) - I just felt really funny on my front and it made me feel unwell - which isn't the norm

Ummmm- just a general 'funny' feeling in my tummy after DD kicked me one :roll:

And that's it!

Get 'em in ladies!!
No sore bbs
Spots around my mouth and chin (not pre AF whopping spots - more like teenage spots - all come since last night :shock: )
Bloody little cramp like pains again grr - but they fooled me last month

Glad you went first :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl:

You reminded me - I have a mini spot breakout on my forehead - it's tres sexy!! ;)
Oh and I still have backache after going for a poo... :rotfl:

Although it could be from all the BDing I've done this month!!

Have you seen my chart :rotfl: (link in blog) I think we've only missed 4 days !!
I've been trying to resist this, but you girls make it look so good!!!

I have been feeling sickly - not nausea, just run down and my head hurts as if I may be getting a sinus infection... :( My whole body's kinda achy.
I've also cried several times due to adverts on the tele.
Me ---> :cry: OH ---> :?
Not to mention my bbs were soooo sore hubby got his hand slapped for a week anytime he got close. As well as MEGAMIGHTY spots on the face - 3 of them! (we won't even try to call them mini-spots! Haha!)
But, my temps finally dipped this morning, so I think AF is on the way...about dang time bc I've been cramping since 4 days PO, which was really disturbing!
Well I have lots of spots, major bloatage and AF is now 9 days late.
Just thought I'd share this with ppl who could appreciate it...
I just went on an errand, and the song on the radio in my car had be in full tears.
It was some crappy early 90s Seattle grunge thing..."I'm half the man I used to be," by Soundgarden maybe. Anyways, NOT a song to be crying while driving down the road about.
I hope seomething happens soon...AF most likely as we are not fully TTC yet...but I can't stand being like this.

:bored: Guess I'll just have to wait.
OK - felt sick last night (of course that wouldn't be the £5 worth of sweets I devoured after tea :oops: )

Woke up to go to the loo in the night.

Nipples feel like someone has stretched them and pulled them (no, not my OH!!) and they almost feel bruised... :think: :think:

LOL - however, I think my cervix is getting lower and more open so all my symptoms are baloney!!
Monster munch needs a time out! You are not suppose to encourage symptom spotting! :shakehead:

*jamie goes to get the timer* Time out missy!

Symptom spotting? NOOOOOOOOOO!!! I did my head in with that last month. I definately won't be symptom spotting this month :fib:

did I start this thread? hmmm?

No I didn't :shakehead:

and I have backache and I'm tired and I've gone off coffee - that'll be the same (decaff) coffee I usually drink gallons of a don't pick on me cos I'm poorly ...or symptom spotting :rotfl:

and I still don't have sore bbs - absence of sore bbs a symptom if you usually have them from 5 dpo?
No you didn't personally start it, but you brainwashed me into starting it :moon: :moon:
monster_munch said:
No you didn't personally start it, but you brainwashed me into starting it :moon: :moon:

ahhhh - watch out derren brown - here I come :rotfl:
I don't have one...make me one or find me one..the POAS one is following me round now :?
They're still sat in my outbox for some reason :think:

Check your messages - see what happens

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