Hi All!!!
Well ill go straight into it ha.. I OV this mnth on 13th-14th (10 days ago aprox). I woke yesturday to find spotting! The 1st 2 spots were blood red then turned pinky throughout the day then by the end of the day it was brownie. Same today except i also had (not lots) some brown discharge, thicker then the spotting. Looking at the timeing it would be my right time for implantation bleeding so fingers crossed as im never early, never mind this early for AF!! Im not due for another 6 days! Also some small cramping with the spotting but as i said not heavier then just spotting and spotting started yesturday morning. Then also this morning on my way to work i had a few sharp pains go from somewhere down there up to my left boob! haha. I havent got sore boobs or any sickness so....
im testing on 3rd or 4th march