Hi... Am new to this site.. just joined!!
Wow you girls are experts..
I think i know what i should be doing here but it would just be nice to talk through some stuff with other people going through this!!
Firstly, i already have a daughter who s almost 3, before her i didnt think i could concieve to easily due to PCOS, well i did, unexpectedly but as was very irregular i didnt find out i was pregnant till i was about 12 weeks gone.
I have been regular since i had her, almost 3 years ago. was on pill till august 08, and regular since i came off it.
Last period was 5th December..
Symptoms so far...
achy achy breasts
stomach cramps, feels like im going to come on but obviously havnt
headaches (only over last week)
nausea now and then, not constant (but only had it badly before at 10-12 weeks)
urinating fairly frequently
vivid dreams
and just this week have started getting brown spotting, only on tissue when wipe
now, i know all of this sounds like im pregnant, but i have done 5 TESTS and all shown negative!!!!!!
the last one i took was sat, 31st jan. i have decided i will wait till this sat to do another one, and if that still shows negative i will call docs...
i have noticed some other people saying they didnt show positive till 9 weeks, so im hoping thats same for me!!!!
its just nice to see you all on here supporting each other and chatting about this stuff, and feels better now i've got this all off my chest!!