Gorra love sicky hiccups. I just saw on QI the tv show that the cure for hiccups is to stick a finger up yer bum! Lol.
I didn't realise how sore my boobs were until (teeny-tiny) Sophie the cat walked over them in the middle of the night.....I nearly hit the bloomin roof!
Not to mention up to 4/5 times every night peeing a teaspoons worth of pee or less! Waking up parched and sick like I've had too much wine! Spotting for one whole day then nothing. Hugging the toilet! Clumsy and ditsy. Trying to hide my heavy sleepy eyes at work! In bed by 9 every night. Crampy cramp cramps....but just mild ones. Smaller appetite...for now! Probably due to feeling dodgy most of the time!
Oh and trying to cope with a long term rash that I had under control before but now I can't take antihistamines....so it's seized the opportunity to eat me alive and there's nothing I can do about it!![]()
This is mental eh? But feels good to rant!![]()
6) Constipation or Diarrhea - all the bloating is playing havoc with my IBS - luckily I'm used to where the cramps happen so I know its not something happening to baby P
Wow - Parker what an amazing job!!
I didn't realise it was as high as 75% of women get morning sickness
I want some!
For me I think the worst thing was the (avert eyes if easily disgusted) splash back onto my face and glasses. And even though I cleaned up after, I'm sure I could still smell fishy vomit in the bathroom this morning.
Ugh, this is so gross I am going to shut up now, lol.
As I say I have quite a strong constitution in general but I have def noticed I feel quite quesy after eating and in the evenings (before bed that past 2 nights I have felt the worst?)
I guess I was just waiting for the "classic" throwing up in the morning as opposed to actual just feeling a bit sick every now and then...