Symptom rant...all welcome to join me!

Gorra love sicky hiccups. I just saw on QI the tv show that the cure for hiccups is to stick a finger up yer bum! Lol.
Gorra love sicky hiccups. I just saw on QI the tv show that the cure for hiccups is to stick a finger up yer bum! Lol.

LOL... don't think that's gonna help the IBS though! Bet a man came up with that 'cure'!
I didn't realise how sore my boobs were until (teeny-tiny) Sophie the cat walked over them in the middle of the night.....I nearly hit the bloomin roof!
Not to mention up to 4/5 times every night peeing a teaspoons worth of pee or less! Waking up parched and sick like I've had too much wine! Spotting for one whole day then nothing. Hugging the toilet! Clumsy and ditsy. Trying to hide my heavy sleepy eyes at work! In bed by 9 every night. Crampy cramp cramps....but just mild ones. Smaller appetite...for now! Probably due to feeling dodgy most of the time!
Oh and trying to cope with a long term rash that I had under control before but now I can't take it's seized the opportunity to eat me alive and there's nothing I can do about it! :-(
This is mental eh? But feels good to rant! :-)
I didn't realise how sore my boobs were until (teeny-tiny) Sophie the cat walked over them in the middle of the night.....I nearly hit the bloomin roof!
Not to mention up to 4/5 times every night peeing a teaspoons worth of pee or less! Waking up parched and sick like I've had too much wine! Spotting for one whole day then nothing. Hugging the toilet! Clumsy and ditsy. Trying to hide my heavy sleepy eyes at work! In bed by 9 every night. Crampy cramp cramps....but just mild ones. Smaller appetite...for now! Probably due to feeling dodgy most of the time!
Oh and trying to cope with a long term rash that I had under control before but now I can't take it's seized the opportunity to eat me alive and there's nothing I can do about it! :-(
This is mental eh? But feels good to rant! :-)

The rash sounds horrible! Is there nothing natural your gp can give you?
Wow - Parker what an amazing job!!

I didn't realise it was as high as 75% of women get morning sickness :shock:

I want some!

Right from before I found out we're having a baby my boobs have been quite sore, but it constantly changes from them just feeling a bit fuller to a full on 'owch, I'm sorry, I'm going to have to wear my sports bra to bed again'. It's all glamour in our bed these days! I've felt sick on and off but yesterday there were a couple of times when I thought I was going to throw up, but I didn't. I agree with you ladies, that it's a cross between feeling sick and feeling hungry. Today I think I've managed to keep it under controll by having a couple of bites of a cracker every time I felt the slightest bit sick or hungry. Other than that, nothing's really changed yet for me. Oh yes, I've gone right off a few foods and then started enjoying them again. Last week it was potatoes, this week it's tea, bananas and cereal. :eh:

Ooh good thread!

I was up being sick at 5am this morning... Now its not the being sick I am complaining about, as I've not had any sickness for the last 10 days or so and I've still got another 6 days until my scan, so it was lovely to have a bit of reassurance that baby is still happy! - BUT the bit I would like to rant about it that I was sick so much that it started coming out of my nose! It was absolutely horrible bleurgh! (I am so sorry if anyone is reading this eating lunch) So that really wasn't much fun, and then I couldn't get back to sleep as it made my throat really sore, so I am at work feeling exhausted now zzzzz. In fact I would just like to rant about work in general, as it is very hard dragging yourself to work when you feel like crap and pretending everything is fine, and if I was prime minister all pregnant ladies would be allowed a free duvet day every week!

6) Constipation or Diarrhea - all the bloating is playing havoc with my IBS - luckily I'm used to where the cramps happen so I know its not something happening to baby P

Oh me too, horrible isn't it! I had my IBS really well under control before becoming preg and hadn't suffered with it at all for a few years, but its come back with a vengeance the last few weeks. Its horrible! More diarhoea than constipation for me, its awful. Even though I have been with my OH for 7 years I've always hated going for a poo when he is in the next room, but now when I have to go I HAVE to go, whether he is there or not! Haha. Agree about the cramps too, I am so glad I know what they are otherwise would defo be panicking about the baby xxx
Wow - Parker what an amazing job!!

I didn't realise it was as high as 75% of women get morning sickness :shock:

I want some!


I had no morning sickness last time. Just felt like I was sitting on a waltzer all day, not good when the train is coming :shock:

I promised I wouldnt complain but if the tiredness could give me a break I can cope with all of the other symptoms. Please.... x
As I say I have quite a strong constitution in general but I have def noticed I feel quite quesy after eating and in the evenings (before bed that past 2 nights I have felt the worst?)

I guess I was just waiting for the "classic" throwing up in the morning as opposed to actual just feeling a bit sick every now and then... :lol:

Oh my gosh ladies, the vomming is the worst. I had home made fish pie with mash last night for dinner which is usually really lovely. But alas, last night at 9pm, I start feeling queasy and then I proceeded to vomit five times over the course of an hour and feeling awful the whole time. It didn't stop until my body had rid itself of every last piece of fish pie. It hurt my stomach muscles so much and I went all shaky and got a sore throat. Ugh, I am never eating fish again!!! Ever ever ever! That is the worst I have had the voms, and I hope I don't repeat it.

Blimey ams25! Sick coming out your nose? You've taken one for the team there! For me I think the worst thing was the (avert eyes if easily disgusted) splash back onto my face and glasses. And even though I cleaned up after, I'm sure I could still smell fishy vomit in the bathroom this morning.

Ugh, this is so gross I am going to shut up now, lol.
For me I think the worst thing was the (avert eyes if easily disgusted) splash back onto my face and glasses. And even though I cleaned up after, I'm sure I could still smell fishy vomit in the bathroom this morning.

Ugh, this is so gross I am going to shut up now, lol.

This just made me do a really sicky laugh! Lovely image!

ams25, sorry to hear that you also suffer with IBS...... i just keep thinking if its this haywire now what is it going to do with a fully grown baby in there too! Eeek!

It sounds like we should all just share in the mantra 'it will all be worth it in the end!!'
As I say I have quite a strong constitution in general but I have def noticed I feel quite quesy after eating and in the evenings (before bed that past 2 nights I have felt the worst?)

I guess I was just waiting for the "classic" throwing up in the morning as opposed to actual just feeling a bit sick every now and then... :lol:


Me too!!! For the past few days after my dinner I've just feel like I want to throw up and the evenings is when I get the worst sicky feeling. Last night I has some strong cramps so Mr W got my hot water bottle out for me and off to bed I went with it on my stomach trying to ease the cramps and keep peanut warm too! I'm in the NAvy so very used to feeling sick from sea sickness but this I don't like! lol
I am so tired ALL the time :nap: after 10.30pm I'm pooped! Always tired at work.
That is so bizarre about the cats! I got 2 baby hamsters for Christmas and they had never bitten me and handled really well but after getting my BFP (only just realising this!) they have both started biting me! Really hard too! They dont even nibble OH or any visitors!
I really feel for you ladies with the vomiting :( I've been feeling nauseas on and off for a few weeks but I've not actually been sick yet. Although I have a bit of a phobia of being sick so I'll do anything to avoid it! I've spent many evenings sat on the bathroom floor with a can of coke or dr pepper since this seems to be the only thing that settles my stomach!
I honestly dont know whats worse - being sick or the feeling you get before you're sick when you know that its coming! Grim.
I hope you're all feeling loads better soon! xxx
hopefully I can give some of you girls that are not uite at 12 weeks yet some hope.

Ive had some of the symptoms you have all mentioned....... the sicky feeling on and off throughout the day occasionally vomitting episodes, tiredness etc

But this morning I woke up after a full nights sleep (no peeing through the night) and although I snoozed my alarm a couple of times I got up felt great got myself ready for work without feeling sick (apart from with hunger) there was no rushing to the bathroom to retch or be sick and felt like I had lots of energy today. I even managed to eat proper lunch of a baked tattie and it filled me right up unti late afternoon when I had a biscuit but i didny feel like i wanted to throw it up afterwards. Tiredness did start to kick in just before I left work but fingers crossed it seems that minion is starting to behave better xx

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