Thought I'd have a little rant about my lovely pregnancy symptoms. Don't get me wrong, I lovvvve being pregnant and feel so lucky but these symptoms are kinda annoying! Glad they will pass soon. Feel free to jump on board the rant train...chooooo chooo!
1. Morning sickness, seem to get it every morning in the shower and hate that acidy yellow crap.
2. So emotional, crying at the smallest things, like adverts on TV and such.
3. Tender boobilies, especially when I accidentally squish them in the night.
4. My cat won't leave me alone and sits on my lap whenever I sit down, or follows me around the house.
5. Heart palpitations, which have only come on in the last couple of days but are kinda scary. Apparently a normal symptom but unwelcome.
6. Sleeeeepy allll the time. Thinking of bringing a duvet to work.
7. Hungry a lot, or nauseous, no in between.
8. Spotting which has been checked out already but wish that would go away because it still worriesme.
Anyway thats enough ranting now, but would love to hear your rants!
1. Morning sickness, seem to get it every morning in the shower and hate that acidy yellow crap.
2. So emotional, crying at the smallest things, like adverts on TV and such.
3. Tender boobilies, especially when I accidentally squish them in the night.
4. My cat won't leave me alone and sits on my lap whenever I sit down, or follows me around the house.
5. Heart palpitations, which have only come on in the last couple of days but are kinda scary. Apparently a normal symptom but unwelcome.
6. Sleeeeepy allll the time. Thinking of bringing a duvet to work.
7. Hungry a lot, or nauseous, no in between.
8. Spotting which has been checked out already but wish that would go away because it still worriesme.
Anyway thats enough ranting now, but would love to hear your rants!