Symptom rant...all welcome to join me!


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2012
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Thought I'd have a little rant about my lovely pregnancy symptoms. Don't get me wrong, I lovvvve being pregnant and feel so lucky but these symptoms are kinda annoying! Glad they will pass soon. Feel free to jump on board the rant train...chooooo chooo!

1. Morning sickness, seem to get it every morning in the shower and hate that acidy yellow crap.

2. So emotional, crying at the smallest things, like adverts on TV and such.

3. Tender boobilies, especially when I accidentally squish them in the night.

4. My cat won't leave me alone and sits on my lap whenever I sit down, or follows me around the house.

5. Heart palpitations, which have only come on in the last couple of days but are kinda scary. Apparently a normal symptom but unwelcome.

6. Sleeeeepy allll the time. Thinking of bringing a duvet to work.

7. Hungry a lot, or nauseous, no in between.

8. Spotting which has been checked out already but wish that would go away because it still worriesme.

Anyway thats enough ranting now, but would love to hear your rants!
Aaaaaw sounds tough but with time it will ease off. I'm only 5 weeks so currently symptom free...apart from my cat won't leave me alone either....?
Really? I wonder how they know? Wonder if anyone elses pets have noticed.
I read that cats can tell the last time you had sex, so maybe they know we are pregnant too.
Awwww the cat thing is cute!!!

Mine is no different with me?? (she loves her Mummy anyway :))

No "proper" hardcore symptoms but I am having a lot of CM, boobs are sore most of the time and I am shattered.

Weirdly I am having an odd thing with food, I can really fancy something yet hours after eating it the thought of it repluses me?? It's not like it repeats on me, it is purely the thought of it?

So thus far I can never eat the following again:
Lasagne, Pizza Express Margarita or scrambles eggs....

I feel constantly hungry as well and it is a hard time making sure I get my 5 a day as I just want quavers and biscuits and pasta and cheese my God I am loving cheese!

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PS - this wasn't a rant! I'd give anything to have some proper, full on symptoms

I read that cats can tell the last time you had sex, so maybe they know we are pregnant too.

One of my cats can certainly tell, she watches us doing it!!

LOL! I couldn't do that, would freak me out!

I don't worry unless she starts licking herself! LOL - No seriously, I don't notice anymore, if we lock her out she just sits outside scratching the door or meowing.
O i know how you feel :( my sickness is still hurrendous, i have just managed to vomit everywhere and now my stairs sink (sorry tmi) :( im constantly hungry but cant eat :( im in bed for half 7 get up at 7 then tired by half past... I already had bad ache from big boobs before pregnancy now my back pain can become unbearable, my poor boobies are huge and extremely sore, my mood is horrible i have turned into one moody bugger and should come with a warning sign! I work in a bar and the horrible customers usually are the one who find out just how bad it is. Im bored now as ive had to have two weeks off work and im that ill i cant move off my sofa, i think im just going to feel sorry for myself this whole pregnancy if this carries on and my poor oh has been a star dont know how he has put up with me xx
PS - this wasn't a rant! I'd give anything to have some proper, full on symptoms


Yeah, I feel silly ranting because I love my symptoms, they are all for something worthwhile and special. Oh, and I know what you mean about quavers!! Really want some now.
I've been feeling a little sick when hungry today, it goes away when I eat but comes back a couple of hours later. My only complaint is the KFC I've just had isn't sitting well with me, I feel like I could bring it back. That feels like such a waste!
O i know how you feel :( my sickness is still hurrendous, i have just managed to vomit everywhere and now my stairs sink (sorry tmi) :( im constantly hungry but cant eat :( im in bed for half 7 get up at 7 then tired by half past... I already had bad ache from big boobs before pregnancy now my back pain can become unbearable, my poor boobies are huge and extremely sore, my mood is horrible i have turned into one moody bugger and should come with a warning sign! I work in a bar and the horrible customers usually are the one who find out just how bad it is. Im bored now as ive had to have two weeks off work and im that ill i cant move off my sofa, i think im just going to feel sorry for myself this whole pregnancy if this carries on and my poor oh has been a star dont know how he has put up with me xx

I think there should be a special OH award, mine has been lovely too. Hope your vommies go away soon! The books say it should go away by 12 weeks...they LIED!!! Lol.
When does sickness normally start? I hope I don't get it too bad. I would probably have the worst job in the world for sickness. I will have 30 excited kids all eager to meet my animals and there's me needing to run off to the loo....
I'm self employed too so if I don't make it to a school, I don't get paid.

Please go easy on my little one!
When does sickness normally start? I hope I don't get it too bad. I would probably have the worst job in the world for sickness. I will have 30 excited kids all eager to meet my animals and there's me needing to run off to the loo....
I'm self employed too so if I don't make it to a school, I don't get paid.

Please go easy on my little one!

Not everyone gets MS hun so don't worry!

What do you do hun? It sounds intriguing :lol:

Definitly scribbins, i walked into the kitchen had tears running down my eyes going im vommited everywhere, he was just like go to bed and i will clear it up now bless him, dont think i could clear up someones sick, he said this aswell whilst he was looking after my dd making her some food and making his own tea and cleaning the pots, they do need a special award to cope with us pregnant women lol
When does sickness normally start? I hope I don't get it too bad. I would probably have the worst job in the world for sickness. I will have 30 excited kids all eager to meet my animals and there's me needing to run off to the loo....
I'm self employed too so if I don't make it to a school, I don't get paid.

Please go easy on my little one!

Not everyone gets MS hun so don't worry!

What do you do hun? It sounds intriguing :lol:


I run a business where I take exotic animals to schools and birthday parties to teach the children all about them and let them handle most of them. So running out of a session isn't going to be ideal!
I hope I don't! Is it a bad thing not to get sickness?
Wow, cool job! It's not bad not to get ms. I read that a quarter of women get none whatsover.
I hope you don't mind but I don't need to be invited twice to have a moan.
I'm joining the train...
1) All day nausea (luckily no vomit but daily retching!)
2) Horrible metallic taste again pretty much all day
3) Dizziness all day, even when sitting down.
4) I have a very lovely spaniel who likes to stand on my thighs and try to sit on my lap - blooming hurts.
5) Not sore boobies but nips are a bit over sensitive - have found catching them in bed hurts though!
6) Constipation or Diarrhea - all the bloating is playing havoc with my IBS - luckily I'm used to where the cramps happen so I know its not something happening to baby P
7) CARNAT22 - I share this one with you.... I get a taste for something so go buy it (for example most resent one was coffee cake). I had a slice this morning and enjoyed it but now the smell of it is making me retch - looks like my OH can eat the rest.
8) Hormones are bit over the place and cry at silly things
9) Weird, vivid dreams with some being rather rude (Have a huge crush on an actor called Sasha Roiz now following some interseting dreams - IMDB him, he's rather yummy)
10) Feel exhausted after doing the smallest of things (like walk the dog for half hour or pop to the shops for a bit) - 3 - 4 hours of anything seems to be my tolerance. I'm going to try to return to work tomorrow but only a few hours, just to break up my boredom.

*And breath!* sorry, had to get that out and feel so much better (but just done a lovely sicky hiccup - maybe spoke to soon on the vomiting!

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