
rainbow dancer

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2010
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im feeling a bit sorry for myself!! have had a viral thing for the last week or so, normal headache, throat ache, ear ache, feel sick, heartburn, backacke!! need i go on lol. sorry to moan but just want to shake this off but cant. had it a week now. midwife thinks isnt helped by me not sleeping well. any tips on getting a better night sleep would be appreciated!! hope u all doing well and taking it easy in the snow xx
Aww, sounds like you're really suffering :(

When I'm under the weather I always have a long bath before bed with drops of either olbas oil (would have to check if its ok in pregnancy, I'm not sure and luckily haven't needed to use it), or lavender oil in it. Then add a few drops of lavender on my pillow, or a tissue close to my pillow to help me sleep. Sometimes works a dream, sometimes doesn't, but never fails to make me feel at least a little bit better.

Hope you find something to help.
thank you hun will give it a go. just feeling sorry for myself! should count myself lucky really as have been reasonably well so far - prob doesnt help im a practice nurse and been seeing unwell patients all week!! luckily i only have 4 shifts left woop woop !!xx thanks again xx
Ahhh the colds at the moment are real lingering ones, hopefully with your work finishing soon and a rest over xmas you will be in a good state to recover, are you taking multivitamins or vitamin C, try lots of vit c in things, juice etc, really gives your imune system a boost, elsp in this cold weather - hope you feel a bit better by friday for xmas eve x

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